Will the end of the Pandemic Unemployment Benefits turn a worker's market into a manager's market?



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
The pandemic federal unemployment assistance payments have come to an end and people are now scrambling for whatever job they can find.

(Because a planned event they've known about for 18 months somehow still takes people by surprise.)

We've seen wage growth moving at a steady click as the pandemic wore on, with managers and business owners trying to fill openings by any means necessary. Now that millions of people have come to the realization that, yes, they do actually have to find a job again, will we see these hiring enticements fall by the wayside and the labor market effectively punish the latecomers for holding out until the very end?
People aren't going to sacrifice their health for $8/hour.
The pandemic federal unemployment assistance payments have come to an end and people are now scrambling for whatever job they can find.

(Because a planned event they've known about for 18 months somehow still takes people by surprise.)

We've seen wage growth moving at a steady click as the pandemic wore on, with managers and business owners trying to fill openings by any means necessary. Now that millions of people have come to the realization that, yes, they do actually have to find a job again, will we see these hiring enticements fall by the wayside and the labor market effectively punish the latecomers for holding out until the very end?

unfortunately wage growth hasn't kept pace with inflation so real wages are down.

no one is being "punished" for holding out - they'll make the same wages as other new employees but they may not get signing bonuses. calling that being punished is entitlement thinking. If you missed a sale were you punished by the retail market?
unfortunately wage growth hasn't kept pace with inflation so real wages are down.

no one is being "punished" for holding out - they'll make the same wages as other new employees but they may not get signing bonuses. calling that being punished is entitlement thinking. If you missed a sale were you punished by the retail market?

I'm one of those guys who starts looking for a job the moment I lose one. The punish comment wasn't meant to suggest entitlement mindset, but more the matter that they missed their window for best consideration in a wide open market.
The pandemic federal unemployment assistance payments have come to an end and people are now scrambling for whatever job they can find.

(Because a planned event they've known about for 18 months somehow still takes people by surprise.)

We've seen wage growth moving at a steady click as the pandemic wore on, with managers and business owners trying to fill openings by any means necessary. Now that millions of people have come to the realization that, yes, they do actually have to find a job again, will we see these hiring enticements fall by the wayside and the labor market effectively punish the latecomers for holding out until the very end?
I can’t speak for every industry, but I do think there will be a bit of a recalibration in the QSR world. We had a lot of discussions about just how high we were wiling to go. We came to the conclusion that there was a line that we weren’t willing to cross because we knew that the $300 per week federal kicker, which killed the market, was just temporary.
I'm one of those guys who starts looking for a job the moment I lose one. The punish comment wasn't meant to suggest entitlement mindset, but more the matter that they missed their window for best consideration in a wide open market.

once I started working at 12 the longest I've been unemployed was 3 months in the summer between 11th and 12th grade.
once I started working at 12 the longest I've been unemployed was 3 months in the summer between 11th and 12th grade.

My parents wouldn't let me work during high school, but my dad handed me a newspaper the Monday after graduation and told me to have a job by Friday at the latest. I started flipping burgers on Wednesday.

I am forever thankful of the work ethic he instilled in us.
I’ll also add that while I’m not involved in our business on a day-to-day basis, I do keep track of a lot of things pretty closely. I logged into our ADP account earlier this evening to check out application traffic, and let just say that there’s been a bit of an uptick. Remarkably it coincides with the end of the extra weekly federal unemployment benefit.
Even here in the backwoods of Maryland, McDonald's and Taco Bell are offering $13 to start. I haven't seen $8 in a while.
Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.
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I’ll also add that while I’m not involved in our business on a day-to-day basis, I do keep track of a lot of things pretty closely. I logged into our ADP account earlier this evening to check out application traffic, and let just say that there’s been a bit of an uptick. Remarkably it coincides with the end of the extra weekly federal unemployment benefit.


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