Will the end of the Pandemic Unemployment Benefits turn a worker's market into a manager's market?

Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.

super duper deal? that Nobel in Economics is on the way to you sir
Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.
Was this typed on your Apple IPhone?
Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.
I love the smell of envy in the morning.
Obviously wages got inflated for minimum wage jobs, if and when it becomes a managers market again, how do you do deal with the current employee’s on higher than normal wages? Can they ask people to take a pay cut, try to push them out the door or just continue to pay it?
Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.

Nobody says you must go work for one of these greedy SOBs. You can start your own business.
Obviously wages got inflated for minimum wage jobs, if and when it becomes a managers market again, how do you do deal with the current employee’s on higher than normal wages? Can they ask people to take a pay cut, try to push them out the door or just continue to pay it?

won't see pay cuts

might see more investments in automation

still a historic # of open jobs
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won't see pay cuts

might see more investments in automation

still a historic # of open jobs
Obviously wages got inflated for minimum wage jobs, if and when it becomes a managers market again, how do you do deal with the current employee’s on higher than normal wages? Can they ask people to take a pay cut, try to push them out the door or just continue to pay it?
Again strictly speaking from a QSR perspective, I don’t think pay cuts are in the offing. Yes you can always find a way to push someone out the door. But to your larger point, this is what I was talking about earlier when I said we came to a decision that there was a line that we wouldn’t cross.

A lot of qsr’s have gotten themselves into trouble because they started paying above market wages. Now they have team members making shift manager wages. Which in turn leads to shift managers making assistant manager wages, and so on and so on. Those stores and companies are going to have issues going forward because how do you hire in a new shift manager at the same wage or even lower than a team member? Eventually this will all get sorted out, but it will likely cause some undue stress for some owners.
People aren't going to sacrifice their health for $8/hour.
I don't know of many, if any jobs paying $8 an hour. If $8 is all you can get you need to sterilize yourself immediately as you are a barely functioning human being.
Anything below $20/hr is unlivable in 90% of the country. And at $20/hr you're barely getting by.
$20 an hour? Jesus what happened to that $15 an hour that was bandied about for the last few years? That was the holy grail of minimum wage. Apparently that’s not good enough anymore. And no, $20 an hour is not unlivable in 90% of the country. Anymore made up stats you want to pull out of your ass?
$20 an hour? Jesus what happened to that $15 an hour that was bandied about for the last few years? That was the holy grail of minimum wage. Apparently that’s not good enough anymore. And no, $20 an hour is not unlivable in 90% of the country. Anymore made up stats you want to pull out of your ass?
The median necessary living wage in the US is right below $68k.
How much money you need to make to live comfortably in every state in America

$20/hr puts you right below $40k. Not an exaggeration to say $20/hr is barely enough to get by in 90%of the country.
$20 an hour? Jesus what happened to that $15 an hour that was bandied about for the last few years? That was the holy grail of minimum wage. Apparently that’s not good enough anymore. And no, $20 an hour is not unlivable in 90% of the country. Anymore made up stats you want to pull out of your ass?

$24.75 is the median wage in the US but somehow $20 is unlivable.
The median necessary living wage in the US is right below $68k.
How much money you need to make to live comfortably in every state in America

$20/hr puts you right below $40k. Not an exaggeration to say $20/hr is barely enough to get by in 90%of the country.
That article defines a living wage as a “comfortable living.” You said nothing of the sort. You said anything below $20 an hour is unlivable in 90% of the country. “Living comfortably” and “unlivable” are two wholly different things. And again, I defy you to tell me that making over $38k a year is unlivable in 90% of the country.
The median necessary living wage in the US is right below $68k.
How much money you need to make to live comfortably in every state in America

$20/hr puts you right below $40k. Not an exaggeration to say $20/hr is barely enough to get by in 90%of the country.

so live comfortably = unlivable?

"There is no one answer to how much money you need to make to live comfortably, but one oft-used rule of thumb in budgeting is the 50/30/20 rule — which calls for half your income to go to necessities, 20% to savings and investments and 30% for splurges and fun."

so 40k easily covers necessities and leaves some for both savings and splurges/fun
That article defines a living wage as a “comfortable living.” You said nothing of the sort. You said anything below $20 an hour is unlivable in 90% of the country. “Living comfortably” and “unlivable” are two wholly different things. And again, I defy you to tell me that making over $38k a year is unlivable in 90% of the country.
Not one of the states in the US has a livable wage less than $40k. Yet we're supposed to believe that $15/hr is a gift?

Livable Wage By State 2021
so live comfortably = unlivable?

"There is no one answer to how much money you need to make to live comfortably, but one oft-used rule of thumb in budgeting is the 50/30/20 rule — which calls for half your income to go to necessities, 20% to savings and investments and 30% for splurges and fun."

so 40k easily covers necessities and leaves some for both savings and splurges/fun
Not one of the states in the US has a livable wage less than $40k. Yet we're supposed to believe that $15/hr is a gift?

Livable Wage By State 2021

$20 exceeds the living wage requirement for the most expensive place per your link by almost 15%

"The minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, which does equate a livable wage and would set a full-time worker earning that wage below the federal poverty line of $26,200 for a family of four. A livable wage in the least expensive city in the United States, Harlington, Texas, is $10.47 an hour. In Manhattan, the most expensive city, the livable wage is $17.46 an hour, and one would still need roommates."

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