Will the end of the Pandemic Unemployment Benefits turn a worker's market into a manager's market?

Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.

Scales are balancing? This is a serious question, how old are you?
So I worked in a grocery store when I was younger and actually made it up to assistant manager. And I have a question for those talking about increasing wages. How do you scale the wages effectively?

When I was a assistant manager I made around $800/week. It was decent money. Now let’s take today’s society. Let’s use a grocery store. So you pay a cashier that has zero skills, can barely add or subtract, cannot stay off their phone, shows up late and is overall lazy $15hr to start. That’s a job that literally anyone with 2 functioning brain cells can do. So how much more do you pay the stickers? The ones who use case cutters, hurt their knees and backs every night so that the place can stay open? That job has to be worth, what another $3-4 an hour right? So stockers make say $18/hr.

Now let’s go to an assistant stock manager and lead stock manager. How do you scale them? Then let’s take the meat department, which is usually the highest starting per hour wage in the store. If the cashier is making $15, starting pay in the meat department has to be at least $3-4 more on the hour. So now how about the assistant and head meat managers? Well I would say the head meat manager, given his experience and importance, should be worth at least 15-20 more per hour. Especially given the fact that they have monthly inventory and are responsible for a huge chunk of overall store profit.

So now we are looking at meat managers making anywhere from $30-40/hr. That’s $1600 per week on the high end. Now let’s move to store management. The assistant store manager has to make more than anyone else in the store besides the store manager. So if the meat manager is making say $1600/wk, the assistant has to make at least say $2800 a week. And the store manager shout make close to double that. Now we are talking a store manager making close to $5k a week.

Then it spirals up to district managers and supervisors and beyond.
Good luck getting by on $13/hr anywhere. Let's not act like $13/hr is a super duper deal for anybody anywhere. Corporations have been conducting highway robbery for 30 years, and now when the scales finally start balancing people want to act like these poor executives with million dollar homes and $300 haircuts have it so rough. Disgusting.

Might want to study up on competency hierarchies.
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None of my employees are less than 20 per hour so we didn’t lose anyone.

We just left the office as the lease was voided due to them not allowing us to occupy for longer than 10 consecutive days which I add in all leases and everyone pretty much works from home now including me.

But if I did have own a restaurant and I had employees who stuck with me and kept me going they are treated like family at that point and get some sort of profit sharing or college paid for.

You gotta show them how grateful you are because they were loyal as F.
So I worked in a grocery store when I was younger and actually made it up to assistant manager. And I have a question for those talking about increasing wages. How do you scale the wages effectively?

When I was a assistant manager I made around $800/week. It was decent money. Now let’s take today’s society. Let’s use a grocery store. So you pay a cashier that has zero skills, can barely add or subtract, cannot stay off their phone, shows up late and is overall lazy $15hr to start. That’s a job that literally anyone with 2 functioning brain cells can do. So how much more do you pay the stickers? The ones who use case cutters, hurt their knees and backs every night so that the place can stay open? That job has to be worth, what another $3-4 an hour right? So stockers make say $18/hr.

Now let’s go to an assistant stock manager and lead stock manager. How do you scale them? Then let’s take the meat department, which is usually the highest starting per hour wage in the store. If the cashier is making $15, starting pay in the meat department has to be at least $3-4 more on the hour. So now how about the assistant and head meat managers? Well I would say the head meat manager, given his experience and importance, should be worth at least 15-20 more per hour. Especially given the fact that they have monthly inventory and are responsible for a huge chunk of overall store profit.

So now we are looking at meat managers making anywhere from $30-40/hr. That’s $1600 per week on the high end. Now let’s move to store management. The assistant store manager has to make more than anyone else in the store besides the store manager. So if the meat manager is making say $1600/wk, the assistant has to make at least say $2800 a week. And the store manager shout make close to double that. Now we are talking a store manager making close to $5k a week.

Then it spirals up to district managers and supervisors and beyond.

You just explained how inflation happens and very few liberals on here will get it. This is also why stores are going self check out as much and as fast as possible. You can’t have the bottom salary already at 30k when it was never meant to be a career.
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