Will Trump flee the country after he loses?

I just find it strange that my naked body occupies your thoughts. I didn't realize you played for the other team.

Congrats on your coming out day!

No you don’t occupy my thoughts however I can see your drunken naked ass frolicking with the rest of the progressives through the streets of Portland.
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Lol the worn out welfare state dialog again. Now let’s subtract off social security and Medicare payments and look again since they are compulsory federal pension and insurance programs and follow the individual and are not tied to the states. How many seniors move to a lower cost of living state in retirement huh?
Pondering is different than promising.......and so far, all those who have promised, not a single one has done as they say.......
Trump joked last night that he may have to leave the country if he loses. Joking aside, he will be in a lot of legal hot water once he loses. I could actually see him fleeing and seeking shelter in a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US. Would be hilarious if Trump ends up fleeing to Saudi Arabia or some place like that.

The legal reckoning awaiting Donald Trump if he loses the election - CNNPolitics

The better question is, will you leave if he is reelected?

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