will ut basketball ever change

ill say this and people may not like it but what really has pearl done in his career never one a major title when ut announced they were getting a coach i hoped it would be one better than the one we had and you may speak bad on buzz but at least he had good recruits at least looking in to us pearl has showed so far as a recruiter he sucks and ill except no excuses bottom line he couldnt secure the ones looking into us and people say he hasnt played a game yet which is true but he sure has showed he cant recruit p.s. not a fan of bruce pearl but for tn b-ball i hope he changes my line of thinking
If you like Buzz but don't like Pearl, then most likely there is something wrong with you...
Well, I'm as skeptical as anyone else about Pearl, but it will take time and it will take support from the Vol faithful to turn the program around.
UT has always been a "football" school and there aren't many teams out there that are consistently good at both nowadays...Texas, Oklahoma, and Florida come to mind that are pretty decent at both, but are mainly labeled as "football" schools.
I'd look for slow and steady improvements from him and his future recruiting will definitely depend on how the team fares this yr and how his style of play appeals to recruits.
If you don't like Pearl, that's fine; but I wish people would stop labelling him a recruiting failure based on 4-5 weeks on the job. How can you possibly expect much recruiting success after a coaching change and having so little time to establish relationships?

Look at it this way. No matter how we recruit, the worst case scenario is that we'll probably be about as bad as we were last year under Buzz.
Originally posted by vols1@Jun 11, 2005 10:14 PM
ill say this and people may not like it but what really has pearl done in his career never one a major title when ut announced they were getting a coach i hoped it would be one better than the one we had and you may speak bad on buzz but at least he had good recruits at least looking in to us pearl has showed so far as a recruiter he sucks and ill except no excuses bottom line he couldnt secure the ones looking into us and people say he hasnt played a game yet which is true but he sure has showed he cant recruit p.s. not a fan of bruce pearl but for tn b-ball i hope he changes my line of thinking

Vols1, you don't know squat about what your talking about!! Pearl won a National Championship at Southern Indiana before moving up to the Division I level. And his record of achievement is among the best of any active coach. As for Buzz, his problem was twofold....

a) he couldn't coach worth a lick

B) he couldn't recruit and/or judge talent

Now, please post all those great recruits Buzz signed during his FOUR year tenure. We're all waiting....

John Freaking Wooden couldn't recruit here at UT 3 months on the job. Especially after reading all of the negativity. The Dotson case highlights what I am referring to.
what's the old saying? "the only way is up" or "it couldn't get much worse" ..... Pearl's recruiting record should not even count this yr,and where in the world are Buzz's great recruits? give the man a chance
IMO CBP2 has put more energy into this program than the past 3 coaches combined. Anyone who thinks he can come into this mess and turn it around overnite is truly delusional. I'll give him credit for trying like heck to do so however. Bruce will git r dun.
bocavol i said a major title .... screw div 1 hes now in the sec please dont disrespect me i hope im wrong about pearl for the sake of ut b-ball

No flaming or profanity please.
you have to admit some fans are tired of hearing every other year that ut basketball will change eventually we just have to realize that it wont
Originally posted by vols1@Jun 12, 2005 10:27 AM
ill shutbup and give him a chance its only right

thank you, thats what you should do.
I think there will be an improvement but it will not come overnight as most want. Give the guy some time. I think he's more of a disciplinarian than Buzz. Buzz was too easy on 'em.

vols1 - Listen here little boy any title in basketball at any level is an accomplishment and if you don't think so then you are extremely delusional. Youa are either Buzz or cheating Benson, which one is it?
Do you really know anything about basketball?
If you think a high profile coach would take the UT job again your delusional. Do you even have a clue who is on Pearls staff?
Do you know what his record is as a Head Coach?
Better yet get a clue!
Vols1, I have never seen someone on this board put down our Head Coach so much before he has coached a damn game.

It's ridiculous

You keep using this "I love UT and hope they do well" to swarm off your laughable comments railing Pearl and whatnot.

Grow up and learn to wait.
It's definitely absurd to judge Pearl on not getting a couple of recruits. That happens everywhere. Kevin O'Neil could barely put a team together in his first year.

Pearl is working 10x harder than Buzz ever did and it will show... in time.

And at least Pearl has a system and a plan... unlike some past coaches.
People lose on recruits all the time doesn't mean they are bad coaches or bad recruiters. Pearl is actually a damn good recruiter to this school. Buzz had to go and Smith and Gordon didn't want to come here unless he was here. Do I care about gordon, who wouldn't be able to play for another year because of his grades, and smith who ever time he got sat on the bench his dad would call and give a hissy fit? no I couldn't give the damn. If you are really a fan of UT basketball then you need to shut your mouth and get your facts straight before you come on here and giving him crap about stuff he couldn't control.
i was being nice but since everyone wants to gang up on me i'll say this as huge as a fan as i am of ut in general im not stupid enough like most of you whos posted to think for even a second that ut b-ball will change you want the truth the truth is pearl sucks and he cant recruit read the papers people is already down on him pearl sucks and hell be gone in a couple of years ut basketball sucks and it always will suck face it we stink and pearl want change that buzz had some good guys looking at us but pearl shot that for us. in a few years you will all be running him down thats why im a vols football fan because at least they aint a joke
people get a hint ut b-ball will not change and pearl definitely wont change that and vols67 screw div1 we aint the div1 ill bet pearl never whens at ut in my mind jerry green should have stayed anyhow so vols67 #%&@ off
Originally posted by vols1@Jun 13, 2005 12:23 PM
you want a real coach go get buzz back lol lol lol

Ok, bammer
if i was a fan of anyone it wouldnt be bama it would be georgia first off im all vol football vol that is

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