will ut basketball ever change

Ok so it is the second-biggest college basketball arena in the land.....but it won't sell out if no-one can see them play on TV.....you got to be able to see some excitement to want to goto the games.....national attention = ticket sales....Look at the women....
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 13, 2005 11:35 PM
The best thing they could do is just win.

Right on. Winning games = national exposure. Winning games = butts in the seats..
I agree 110%.....but I think one of the things is alot of the players and fans for that matter don't get the support the men's b-ball team should like they do the football team.....even when UT Football is losing....which is not something they do very often they still sell out.....more support is needed for the guys if they are going to turn it around....they have to believe in the program to do so....
Originally posted by g8terh8ter_eric@Jun 13, 2005 11:40 PM
I agree 110%.....but I think one of the things is alot of the players and fans for that matter don't support the men's b-ball team like they do the football team.....even when UT Football is losing...

Well, when you go to UT football game, the chances of winning are a lot better than your chances of losing.

When it comes to out Bball team, most are expecting to lose and don't bother wasting their time.

I agree though, the fans might have lifted the Vols up some and helped them win some of those close games, but Buzz would still be here if that happened. I think people will come out for some Pearl ball....
I am pretty sure there will be more people in the stands when the season starts.....but as soon as we start losing then here comes the critizism from us....and then morale will fall and we will be right back where we started.....so I just want to see what happens after two to three years so that way I have more of a clue if it was a right decision bringing him in or not.
Originally posted by g8terh8ter_eric@Jun 13, 2005 10:20 PM
Yeah and we had one of he most talented teams we ever had like 4 to 6 years ago and we still couldn't get the job done.....Men's Basketball will always be medicore to other sports there until they pour more money into it and get us a bigger arena and then we might have more national exposure....cause right now the men's b-ball team has less national exposure than the women's b-ball team....

???? :blink:

Attendance was pretty good during that time period as the Vols were ranked as high as #4, won 2 SEC East divisional titles, and 1 overall SEC title, won 20+ games each season, attended the NCAA tournament 4 straight seasons, and got as high as the sweet 16.

Then Buzz came along, and that is when the Vols fell back to being mediocre.

The hope is that BP will raise the level of play back to the championship level the Vols played at prior to Buzz.

Its tough to criticize a coach before he's even coached his first game. Wait until March 2006, then you can propertly evaluate BP's first season. But a coach needs at least 4 seasons to input his own system and get it going. :question:

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