Will you Fight for Truth and Justice?

Every election will be fraudent from now on out, no trust.

Actually, I'd wager that a vast majority still have faith in our system. It's a small number of vocal toddlers who can't accept their idol is mortal and that there was no 'silent majority' after all.

It must be tough to watch Trump lose Georgia, twice.
I was just down at the liquor store and was informed that there are some shady dealings going on at the Little Caesar's down the way. Proof positive that Biden will overthrow an election he won by a landslide per Kellyanne Conway's 2016 tweet and overthrow an incumbent that lost in still said landslide. Dude's at the liquor store were adamant that Dickel won.
If it includes free pizza, I'm in.
Didn't Hillary concede on election night? I guess she should have been crying about a rigged election.
She conceded by phone and gave her speech the next morning. She did have a fair number of excuses for not winning. I think that's beating a dead horse though. It's been discussed ad nauseam.
Takin it right outta the dems playbook..... #resist
You'll not find the play Trump is running anywhere in the Dem playbook. Nothing even remotely close.
But absolutely no one is surprised by what Trump is doing, we've been saying this would be his reaction all along.
The sad part is the number of people who continue to support his destruction.
The question moving forward for Trumpers will be, "when did you finally jump off the Trump bandwagon?"
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You'll not find the play Trump is running anywhere in the Dem playbook. Nothing even remotely close.
But absolutely no one is surprised by what Trump is doing, we've been saying this would be his reaction all along.
The sad part is the number of people who continue to support his destruction.
The question moving forward for Trumpers will be, "when did you finally jump off the Trump bandwagon?"
Where's @Weezer at to tell us both parties are morally equivalent?
You'll not find the play Trump is running anywhere in the Dem playbook. Nothing even remotely close.
But absolutely no one is surprised by what Trump is doing, we've been saying this would be his reaction all along.
The sad part is the number of people who continue to support his destruction.
The question moving forward for Trumpers will be, "when did you finally jump off the Trump bandwagon?"
I hope they'll come to regret their Trumper days, but in all likelihood they'll see it more like this:

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She conceded by phone and gave her speech the next morning. She did have a fair number of excuses for not winning. I think that's beating a dead horse though. It's been discussed ad nauseam.

Now we can kick the dead orange horse.
Where's @Weezer at to tell us both parties are morally equivalent?
Yes, Russia collusion had nothing to do with questioning the validity of the election. Trump is being a dumbass. I can admit that. You still have trouble admitting the dumbassery of the left. You and luther go on being faithful sheep believing your side could never do any wrong.
Yes, Russia collusion had nothing to do with questioning the validity of the election. Trump is being a dumbass. I can admit that. You still have trouble admitting the dumbassery of the left. You and luther go on being faithful sheep believing your side could never do any wrong.

There was clear evidence of Russian meddling in the election in general, evidence of Russia meddling specifically to help Trump, and of setting up a meeting to explicitly tell Trump they wanted to help him. Plus we know Russia gave the emails to wikileaks, which then coordinated with Roger Stone on their release. That's all been established. That's more than enough to investigate. And that's not dumbassery. Dumbassery is losing in a landslide and then sending out the geriatric lawyers guild to try to make a case of voter fraud based on no evidence.

An do you still maintain there's no moral difference between the modern GOP and the modern Democrat party?
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There was clear evidence of Russian meddling in the election in general, evidence of Russia meddling specifically to help Trump, and of setting up a meeting to explicitly tell Trump they wanted to help him. Plus we know Russia gave the emails to wikileaks, which then coordinated with Roger Stone on their release. That's all been established. That's more than enough to investigate. And that's not dumbassery. Dumbassery is losing in a landslide and then sending out the geriatric lawyers guild to try to make a case of voter fraud based on no evidence.
Clear evidence, lmao. Sure, just like there's "clear evidence" of election fraud now. People like you believe what they're told. Baaaaaa.
Talk to my friend from the air force qand he said any Obama generals, cops, fbi, nor anyone else tries to take Trump out of the white house, they will be there to fight these people. Others from the military that are my friends have said the same thing.

Talk to my friend from the air force qand he said any Obama generals, cops, fbi, nor anyone else tries to take Trump out of the white house, they will be there to fight these people. Others from the military that are my friends have said the same thing.

Both of your friends or just the one?
Yes, Russia collusion had nothing to do with questioning the validity of the election. Trump is being a dumbass. I can admit that. You still have trouble admitting the dumbassery of the left. You and luther go on being faithful sheep believing your side could never do any wrong.
I know my side frequently does wrong, just not to Trump's level.
It is and always has been about degrees.
Everybody lies, everybody does not lie equally.
Trump is not normal, has never been normal, and should never be normalized.
You'll not find the play Trump is running anywhere in the Dem playbook. Nothing even remotely close.
But absolutely no one is surprised by what Trump is doing, we've been saying this would be his reaction all along.
The sad part is the number of people who continue to support his destruction.
The question moving forward for Trumpers will be, "when did you finally jump off the Trump bandwagon?"
actually it's pretty simple if Biden's declared president by the electors, then he's the president. Trump needs to take the L and move on. I'll gladly admit I was wrong.
I'll look at Biden, then Kamala the same way I did at Obama. I'll wait for the screw ups to come creeping out like trumps first attempts at writing immigration laws that affected the middle east.
It's going to happen. It happens with every president. When the world's agencies use the US as a piggy bank, I won't be surprised. When we get into a war, I won't be surprised. When my taxes increase, it's not gonna shock me one bit. When the deficit continues to rise, pffffft, it does every year.
Maybe I'm jaded.
I know my side frequently does wrong, just not to Trump's level.
It is and always has been about degrees.
Everybody lies, everybody does not lie equally.
Trump is not normal, has never been normal, and should never be normalized.
Your degrees are skewed by a huge bias. Trump is a horrible person. Democrats are just as dirty as Trump and the GOP. Both can be true, and are true. The last 4 years, the left has engaged in just as much questionable activity as Trump, and the reasoning they used, "Trump". It's all BS. Neither side can claim a moral high ground.

But of course they will, and the sheep will follow.

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