Will you Fight for Truth and Justice?

I was just down at the liquor store and was informed that there are some shady dealings going on at the Little Caesar's down the way. Proof positive that Biden will overthrow an election he won by a landslide per Kellyanne Conway's 2016 tweet and overthrow an incumbent that lost in still said landslide. Dude's at the liquor store were adamant that Dickel won.
Pot meet kettle. Atleast we have proof that there is an odd amount of voter irregularities due to Matt Braynard’s research. What proof did you have with Russia? That they made some face book pages? Just admit the lefts a joke and it’s a party on the verge of dying. With the turn out y’all should have walked away with this election. Y’all are a terrible Biden/Harris presidency away from collapsing. We’ll see if the blaming trump (like you all did with Bush) will be enough to keep brain washing people in Biden’s upcoming term, but I doubt it.
Should we ask your daddy as proof of your claims?
Have anyone taking this thread seriously (which should be few) considered that Biden is your President-Elect. And will be your President January 21, 2021.
Alright, we shall see. Even veterans for Trump are talking about protecting him. I've seen on Facebook, twitter, and other places where civilians will fight these so called Obama generals, Obama fbi, or other Obama dept people at the white house.
Soo, we making trump a King? Just asking for a friend.
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This forum is entertaining if nothing else.
Definitely shows us there are nut jobs out there.

I love the completely consistent narrative that Dems are so stupid and incompetent that they can't govern, but also incredibly skilled at stealing elections without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.
Definitely shows us there are nut jobs out there.

I love the completely consistent narrative that Dems are so stupid and incompetent that they can't govern, but also incredibly skilled at stealing elections without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.
Also that we left out Mitch in our grand schemes. That son of a bitch would be the first to go if I was cheating.
I’m not even talking about Donald Trump, I’m asking, if you will fight for our freedoms, like freedom of speech and our constitutional rights
Do you agree with sensor-ship?
How about religious freedom
Right to bear arms
I definitely won't fight for communism
I’m not even talking about Donald Trump, I’m asking, if you will fight for our freedoms, like freedom of speech and our constitutional rights
Do you agree with sensor-ship?
How about religious freedom
Right to bear arms


tenor (2).png
I would like to hear from the folks that are willing to stand up and fight for our freedoms?

Evil Lawyer and their ilk want you to just lay down die

The most remarkable thing about the OP's initial post is that he *wasn't* referring to Giuliani as the "Evil Lawyer" or Trump as the "ilk wanting us to just lay down and die".

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