Your the one that seems obsessed with my being a UTC alumni, and/or Moc fan.....and acting all billy bad ass about it. If you talk like a biatch I'm gonna call you for acting like one. Cause you know wouldn't otherwise, your the one trying to be all internerd tough guy. I am a Vol, and I am Moc....I can be both, and my profile has always declared my support for both teams. I was a Vol first by Birth, and then by starting my degree there.....but yes I love UTC, and am glad to have graduated there, and met my wife there, and would never have it any other way...and it's hardly the cut down you seem to think. I got to go there when we still had old school University Of Chattanooga professors who were some of the best in their field. You have literally been keeping this Mocboy thing going like you think it offends me, or is somehow anything other then a source of pride. I am a VOL, ALways have been. I am a MOC and proudly so, one is FBS, and one is FCS, and I will always root for them. In any case I'm done with your whining just cause your too ghey to woo....Oh here we go, internet tough guy challenge. You know you have lost an argument when you throw down the interwebz gauntlet and start categorizing an entire state as retarded.
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Imma old man.I don't like it. I think it sounds silly. I won't ever like it.
That said, i can see how the casual fan especially the women that really don't care about the game as much as the time with family and friends having fun, and younger kids enjoy it. For that reason I think it's great.
If I owned the team, my policy woo'd be, "No Woo, No Entrance".Says alot about the people that don't like the woo but accept it.
Says even more about the ones that like the woo but can't accept the ones that don't.
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