WKU better than last year's Troy team

First off, many of you are claiming UT is now better coached off ONE GAME against AP! That is just as fallacious as anything I've ever read on here.

What you are actually saying (and the only thing you can possibly substantiate at this point) is that you HOPE and BELIEVE that our Vols are/will be better coached than last year's team.

Secondly, UT beat APSU, and WKU beat UK. We won a blow-out against a terrible FCS school, and Western beat a (while still awful) SEC team. To under-value their win while over-valuing our performance against an FCS team that was 2-9 last year is simply flawed.

The arrogance on here is insufferable because it is divorced from reality.

I hope UT wins big over WKU because I think Western is a vastly improved and under-rated team. So, a convincing win over them will show me a lot about Butch Jones.

Unfortunately, a lot of you are shooting yourselves' in the foot and destroying your own argument for an improved coaching staff by devaluing WKU.

If WKU is actually a good and up-&-coming team, then a big win shows exponential improvement for UT.

But if WKU is "just terrible," as many on here claim, then a win over them actually tells us nothing and shows no real tangible improvement from the last coaching staff just yet...
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First off, many of you are claiming UT is now better coached off ONE GAME against AP! That is just as fallacious as anything I've ever read on here.

What you are actually saying (and the only thing you can possibly substantiate at this point) is that you HOPE and BELIEVE that our Vols are/will be better coached than last year's team.

Secondly, UT beat APSU, and WKU beat UK. We won a blow-out against a terrible FCS school, and Western beat a (while still awful) SEC team. To under-value their win while over-valuing our performance against an FCS team that was 2-9 last year is simply flawed.

The arrogance on here is insufferable because it is divorced from reality.

I hope UT wins big over WKU because I think Western is a vastly improved and under-rated team. So, a convincing win over them will show me a lot about Butch Jones.

Unfortunately, a lot of you are shooting yourselves' in the foot and destroying your own argument for an improved coaching staff by devaluing WKU.

If WKU is actually a good and up-&-coming team, then a big win shows exponential improvement for UT.

But if WKU is "just terrible," as many on here claim, then a win over them actually tells us nothing and shows no real tangible improvement from the last coaching staff just yet...

nobody said they were "terrible" did they? i didnt see that. but maybe some on here arent buying the WKU hype. Like you said, UK is god awful even moresot han normal. you talk about how we dont really know if we are better coached but you are bragging on how awesome WKU is after one game under a new coach as well. its not doubt they have some good players. but is that enough. they have about 5-6 real good players in Andrews,Boyd,Dowling,Allen,Mitchell Henry,Doughty
nobody said they were "terrible" did they? i didnt see that. but maybe some on here arent buying the WKU hype. Like you said, UK is god awful even moresot han normal. you talk about how we dont really know if we are better coached but you are bragging on how awesome WKU is after one game under a new coach as well. its not doubt they have some good players. but is that enough. they have about 5-6 real good players in Andrews,Boyd,Dowling,Allen,Mitchell Henry,Doughty

Many on here have consistently denounced WKU as awful by virtue of them being only a Sun Belt team. Now, that may not be the case in this thread, but on this forum, certainly.

I'm simply pointing out how some have viewed teams from lesser conferences with disdain and condescension, yet we have had some embarrassing upsets/ close-calls the past few years (UAB, UK, Troy, etc.), and ought not to be overly confident just yet. The main factor why that is supposed to be different is because of Butch Jones and the new staff (which is why I pointed out the incongruence in using that as evidence while the sample size is so meager and against bad competition).

I am not calling WKU a world-beater by any means, but apparently giving Western ANY credit for being good is pessimissim according to many Vol fans here.

I think the Vols will win this game convincingly, but I am giving Western their due respect.
It seems that some of the posters on here just became fans during the Dooley Disaster.They think the Vols have always been 114th in defense. To judge #117 by last year's fiasco is inane. WKU's best player was a 3-star recruit. He did gain 27 yards against Alabama, so maybe we can hold him under 300.
I love when people get so philosophical that I feel like I am reading Plato in relation to a football game. If Tennessee can't beat UK or WKU, we know we are still in trouble as a team. No reason to get philosophical about it. We lose this game, we still suck..we win this game, well we should and the real test comes in Oregon.
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I love when people get so philosophical that I feel like I am reading Plato in relation to a football game. If Tennessee can't beat UK or WKU, we know we are still in trouble as a team. No reason to get philosophical about it. We lose this game, we still suck..we win this game, well we should and the real test comes in Oregon.

I agree with this 100%---we win tomorrow I'll feel better about 6 wins and bowl eligibility...and the fact that Dooley and his coaching staff were really the worst coaches in the programs history.
....said Fulmer before the Wyoming fiasco....
....said Dooley before the KY fiasco......

.................need I go on?

...said every coach before the upset

Oh, and by the way, who predicted the WY and KY upsets? No one. Nonsense.
A lesser WKU team than this year's version beat Troy by five points last last year a team that was this close to beating us when we had much more offensive talent than this season....i realize we have a new coaching staff, but ofte times it takes a new staff at least a year before real improvement is made....i think we win this game big just because of our shift back to the 43 defense, but to make fun of anyone who is worried about this game is just ignorant considering the mess that we have been the last 3 years...
Oh and they also lost to ULL, MTSU, and Central Michigan last year. They are an unstoppable juggernaut that can only be contained not stopped.
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First off, many of you are claiming UT is now better coached off ONE GAME against AP! That is just as fallacious as anything I've ever read on here.

What you are actually saying (and the only thing you can possibly substantiate at this point) is that you HOPE and BELIEVE that our Vols are/will be better coached than last year's team.

Secondly, UT beat APSU, and WKU beat UK. We won a blow-out against a terrible FCS school, and Western beat a (while still awful) SEC team. To under-value their win while over-valuing our performance against an FCS team that was 2-9 last year is simply flawed.

The arrogance on here is insufferable because it is divorced from reality.

I hope UT wins big over WKU because I think Western is a vastly improved and under-rated team. So, a convincing win over them will show me a lot about Butch Jones.

Unfortunately, a lot of you are shooting yourselves' in the foot and destroying your own argument for an improved coaching staff by devaluing WKU.

If WKU is actually a good and up-&-coming team, then a big win shows exponential improvement for UT.

But if WKU is "just terrible," as many on here claim, then a win over them actually tells us nothing and shows no real tangible improvement from the last coaching staff just yet...

Sorry for this man cause I'm the kiss of death around these parts but....well said!

I hope we spank them and believe we should, if we have a shootout with them like Troy it might not be a good thing. Win or loss it's not a good thing. Of course I want the W, but a bad sign. We need to hit them hard and fast. Don't give them any hope going into the locker room. They may have beaten a team like KY but that still gave them a boost of confidence. No doubt they r coming in thinking they can beat us and they have a coach that knows he can.

And for all yall that need it cleared up: I didn't say we r going to lose, and that we can't blow them out. Simply saying that if we don't pop their bubble quick we could be in for a long season.

Also, one thing is having pride and confidence, but some of yall just come off really ignorant. I picture white trash and ghetto type of pride when I read some of yalls post. And yes come after me all yall want for being on my high horse or pompous or what not. I don't care. Frankly those comments just prove the pt. :deuces:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Sorry for this man cause I'm the kiss of death around these parts but....well said!

I hope we spank them and believe we should, if we have a shootout with them like Troy it might not be a good thing. Win or loss it's not a good thing. Of course I want the W, but a bad sign. We need to hit them hard and fast. Don't give them any hope going into the locker room. They may have beaten a team like KY but that still gave them a boost of confidence. No doubt they r coming in thinking they can beat us and they have a coach that knows he can.

And for all yall that need it cleared up: I didn't say we r going to lose, and that we can't blow them out. Simply saying that if we don't pop their bubble quick we could be in for a long season.

Also, one thing is having pride and confidence, but some of yall just come off really ignorant. I picture white trash and ghetto type of pride when I read some of yalls post. And yes come after me all yall want for being on my high horse or pompous or what not. I don't care. Frankly those comments just prove the pt. :deuces:
Posted via VolNation Mobile

First off, many of you are claiming UT is now better coached off ONE GAME against AP! That is just as fallacious as anything I've ever read on here.

What you are actually saying (and the only thing you can possibly substantiate at this point) is that you HOPE and BELIEVE that our Vols are/will be better coached than last year's team.

Secondly, UT beat APSU, and WKU beat UK. We won a blow-out against a terrible FCS school, and Western beat a (while still awful) SEC team. To under-value their win while over-valuing our performance against an FCS team that was 2-9 last year is simply flawed.

The arrogance on here is insufferable because it is divorced from reality.

I hope UT wins big over WKU because I think Western is a vastly improved and under-rated team. So, a convincing win over them will show me a lot about Butch Jones.

Unfortunately, a lot of you are shooting yourselves' in the foot and destroying your own argument for an improved coaching staff by devaluing WKU.

If WKU is actually a good and up-&-coming team, then a big win shows exponential improvement for UT.

But if WKU is "just terrible," as many on here claim, then a win over them actually tells us nothing and shows no real tangible improvement from the last coaching staff just yet...

Joe, I now realize why I stick predominantly to the recruiting forum. Its been at least 6 months since I was over here and I should've made it 7 months. I'm at the point of hoping UT wins by 7 or less to prove the doubters wrong. The unfortunate situation you and I are in, is if WKU makes life extremely difficult then it could spell trouble for UT down the road which neither of us wants to see. No matter the outcome, I have a feeling its going to be a great season for WKU.
The way I see it now that we no longer have a coach with the mental capacity of an 8 year old ,we ought to be about 20 points better a game
Sorry for this man cause I'm the kiss of death around these parts but....well said!

I hope we spank them and believe we should, if we have a shootout with them like Troy it might not be a good thing. Win or loss it's not a good thing. Of course I want the W, but a bad sign. We need to hit them hard and fast. Don't give them any hope going into the locker room. They may have beaten a team like KY but that still gave them a boost of confidence. No doubt they r coming in thinking they can beat us and they have a coach that knows he can.

And for all yall that need it cleared up: I didn't say we r going to lose, and that we can't blow them out. Simply saying that if we don't pop their bubble quick we could be in for a long season.

Also, one thing is having pride and confidence, but some of yall just come off really ignorant. I picture white trash and ghetto type of pride when I read some of yalls post. And yes come after me all yall want for being on my high horse or pompous or what not. I don't care. Frankly those comments just prove the pt. :deuces:
Posted via VolNation Mobile


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