Women's World Cup 2011

Usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa
I have no clue on any of the rules of soccer.

They're not too hard to pick up if you watch a few games. Offside is the tricky one. When the ball is passed or shot, a player if offside if they do not have either the ball or two defenders (one of which is usually the keeper) between them and the goal. This prevents players from camping out in front of the goal, and allows the defenders to get into the attack.
They're not too hard to pick up if you watch a few games. Offside is the tricky one. When the ball is passed or shot, a player if offside if they do not have either the ball or two defenders (one of which is usually the keeper) between them and the goal. This prevents players from camping out in front of the goal, and allows the defenders to get into the attack.

Well explained

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