Women's World Cup 2011

of course I'm going to point it out because it was wrong. I was the one who said she didn't control her back line well but other than that didn't really have any mistakes.

the one the Japanese keeper touched over the bar was a nice save but was made much more difficult because of her height. There was not really anything else that stood out and she was beaten multiple times (including once near post which should not happen) only to have the shot go off the post

Lack of communication between the goal keeper and the back line is probably the "biggest mistake" a goal keeper can make. So, when you say she really didn't have many mistakes that is incorrect. She really committed the biggest mistake to be made.
Lack of communication between the goal keeper and the back line is probably the "biggest mistake" a goal keeper can make. So, when you say she really didn't have many mistakes that is incorrect. She really committed the biggest mistake to be made.

which I've already pointed out. This is the first time you've been specific in any criticism.
which I've already pointed out. This is the first time you've been specific in any criticism.

I don't understand what your stand is then. The point I made earlier was the fact that we can blame our own players for their mistakes and claim that it is the reason for the loss, but I say credit is also due for the other team in the victory as well. Utvolpj, you appear to be trying to "save face" and if that is the case, there is no reason or face to save. Just because you are a moderator doesn't make you immune to being wrong either. We both can sit here and claim we are right or the other person is wrong. You don't seem to understand my original point and you have deviated from my original point to satisfy some need of yours. If you must have the last "say" then I will give it to you. Let's say we agree to disagree whatever that is.
I don't understand what your stand is then. The point I made earlier was the fact that we can blame our own players for their mistakes and claim that it is the reason for the loss, but I say credit is also due for the other team in the victory as well. Utvolpj, you appear to be trying to "save face" and if that is the case, there is no reason or face to save. Just because you are a moderator doesn't make you immune to being wrong either. We both can sit here and claim we are right or the other person is wrong. You don't seem to understand my original point and you have deviated from my original point to satisfy some need of yours. If you must have the last "say" then I will give it to you. Let's say we agree to disagree whatever that is.

I don't need to save any face in this discussion. Yes we disagree that Japan's brilliant gameplan was to rely on mind-numbing mistakes by the US side and many shots US bouncing off the posts. I stated my view on Solo's errors while all you said was that she made lots of errors without specifics. It was odd that you pointed out exactly the same thing I did earlier in the thread though.

You also seem to be stuck on this mod thing and should probably drop it since it makes no point. I'm here to help keep the board clean of Chinese spammers trying to sell you WoW gold and not to make you feel good about your opinion.
maybe for marketing but she too small and not strong enough to battle with the guys. Plus her kicks are not even close to that level

best keeper I ever played with was about 5'8" but the guy could fly. He was 2-time all state in TN and didn't get but a couple offers from smaller schools. If he had my size he would have been an all-american

Solo doesn't have the strength or the quickness. Marketability is the only reason it makes sense, but it could backfire by making the league look like a joke.

I've met RSL's keeper (Nick Rimando) and I'd be surprised if he were 5' 9". He's one of the best in the league (all-star last year). In fact, if he were 6' 1" he'd probably be in Europe. His lack of height is probably the only reason we have him, so I'm glad for it.

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