Workers in Democrat-run North Carolina tourist city bemoan downtown decline: 'Really disturbing'

Sure, but in practical terms a) it will not happen to any significant degree; and b) it is not a very popular rallying cry past a very small portion of the party, certainly less than 15 %.
15% today is the acceptance rate amongst Democrats? That seems high to me.

I bet it’s retreated all the way to single digits by now.
15% today is the acceptance rate amongst Democrats? That seems high to me.

I bet it’s retreated all the way to single digits by now.

I agree the number that actually want that is now quite low, now that things have calmed down. I meant that maybe 15% of the entirety would be moved by such rhetoric at a convention, now.

One interesting thing to come out of the whole discussion, I will concede, is the most effective means of police presence. Those of us who are law-abiding typically envision that as simply a uniformed officer or marked car patrolling where we live. We figure (correctly) that it gives the criminals pause to hang around there, and they opt for easier targets, far away.

But within certain communities that police presence is viewed, not as a deterrent but more so as an antagonizing action. Not everyone in such a community will agree -- many will welcome their presence. But there is a perception amongst some that it represents harassment. We need to deal with that perception. Even if we think that is wrong (and I think it is wrong) it is subjective and folks in those neighborhoods need to be convinced the police are there to prevent crime in the first place, not just react. Its a long term issue.
I agree the number that actually want that is now quite low, now that things have calmed down. I meant that maybe 15% of the entirety would be moved by such rhetoric at a convention, now.

One interesting thing to come out of the whole discussion, I will concede, is the most effective means of police presence. Those of us who are law-abiding typically envision that as simply a uniformed officer or marked car patrolling where we live. We figure (correctly) that it gives the criminals pause to hang around there, and they opt for easier targets, far away.

But within certain communities that police presence is viewed, not as a deterrent but more so as an antagonizing action. Not everyone in such a community will agree -- many will welcome their presence. But there is a perception amongst some that it represents harassment. We need to deal with that perception. Even if we think that is wrong (and I think it is wrong) it is subjective and folks in those neighborhoods need to be convinced the police are there to prevent crime in the first place, not just react. Its a long term issue.
Black Americans do not want the police out of their neighborhoods anywhere near as much as you think they do.
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240 isn't too bad, but 26 is an absolute nightmare through there.
Yeah, my sister used to live in Brevard and mooresville, NC. 26 from Asheville to Brevard was often a pain. 40 slowed down occasionally.
We lived in Johnson City and 26 JC to Asheville wasn't bad. We also lived there before the interstate.
Jackson, MS has a higher per capita than Chicago, IL

OMG Red Trump states are more murderous than any of the Dem controlled metroplexes.
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