fundamental socialist misconception. People earn what the market will bear for their particular function. Nobody is wealthy BECAUSE other people are poor. People earning (read: not inheriting) their wealth are paying an enormous amount of taxes, but you're implying that they should be cool with that because poor people have made them that way. The two do not follow. They can, but do not have to in the least.
Moreover, you're saying that a high earner deserves to pay a third (it's actually more) to Uncle Sam, as if his / her time spent earning it is somehow less valuable than the time spent by those earning less. Many of the high earners out there work enormous amounts of time for their money.
Again, simple rule of working in a capitalist society: people are paid for their work exactly what the market will bear. Nobody in any senior position has forced anyone to take lower paying positions, since most employees willfully perform their function. If low earners don't like the position, there are alternatives, but paying less taxes or receiving gov't cash shouldn't be one of those options.