If the pic 6 was a TD instead it would have been 27-17 with about 10 min to go in the 4th if I recall. It just goes to show you when your defense is showing up and keeping you in games like they were, you can put together a few big plays and be right there in it. With decent pass blocking, I honestly believe we could have won the game. I thought it was going to be a blowout and I was wrong, the score was not indicative of how close it was at one point in the game.
Three plays cost us the game!!!!
(1) the interception that was returned for a T.D. ( Add 7 points to us and subtract 7 from them) Score U.T. 17 vs. OU 27
(2) Sanchez does not intercept the T.D. to Croom. ( Add 7 for us) Score U.T. 24 vs. OU 27.
(3) Worley does not fumble to give OU easy field position on our end of the field. ( Subtract 7 from OU)
Score U.T. 24 vs. OU 20
Gentlemen, we just won a ball game!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, I could name countless games such as that.
(1) Foster fumbles against Penn State.
(2) 13 men on the field against LSU.
(3) Refs. miss call against UNC.
(4) 1994 Manning throws ball to Nilo Silvan against Alabama but Little Man was wide open for the game winning T.D.
(5) Mount Cody blocks Lincoln's game winning field goal.
(6) Pig can't get the 1st down last year against Vandy.
(7) Arkansas runs a punt back to win the game in 1992 at Neyland.
(8) Colquitt throws an incomplete pass against Florida, giving them great field position, rather than punting the ball.
Of course, we have had things fall our way in some games that helped us win.
(1) Wes Brown interception against Vandy.
(2) Gordons interception in O.T. to beat Vandy.
(3) Big Dan Williams blocking game winning field goal in O.T. against Ky.
(4) Robert Edwards is on schedule to gain 200 yards against us. We can't stop him. but after the half he breaks his ankle while being tackled while he was going out of bounds.
(5) Simms finding D. Moore in the endzone for a T.D. in O.T. against UAB.
(6) Ryan Succof missing a game winning field goal and we beat USC at home.
(7) Chandler missing a game tying field goal in O.T against Florida in 1998.
(8) Billy Ratliff's fumble recovery against Arkansas in 1998.
Sometimes the ball bounces your way and sometimes it doesn't bounce your way.