Worst game atmoshpere

I get those sometimes, but count your blessings for uninformed. Usually I get two women sitting behind me talking about everything under the sun except for football. They don't even know when we score. When I don't have them, they are countered by 4 500lb people that I seem to get wedged between. Thats not a good thing in Neyland!
Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 24, 2004 4:18 PM
Is there anything worse than sitting next to an obviously uninformed, middle aged woman who is cheering for the other team and making idiotic comments? I seem to attract them when I go to away games.

No. I'd rather have little kids behind me. At least they half way know what is going on.
Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 24, 2004 4:18 PM
Is there anything worse than sitting next to an obviously uninformed, middle aged woman who is cheering for the other team and making idiotic comments? I seem to attract them when I go to away games.

Man I had one of those at the Tennessee-Notre Dame game....I thought she would never shut up....She was pulling for ND....so that was enough to make me sick along with stupid comments.....To beat all she had 3 of the worst behave kids I had ever seen in my life....All though I did fell sorry for her husband, he just sinking lower and lower in his seat with every comment she made.... :banghead: :banghead:

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