Would you support NATO establishing a no fly zone over Ukraine?

Would you support NATO establishing a no fly zone over Ukraine?

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NATO is an allied force protecting those countries....now there is a alliance of countries bordering a hostile country...the US withoutna backbone no longer scares anyone..therefore Russia felt it was a power move by NATO...and made a move
Kamala, is that you?
Buncha Neville's all up in here
Bad comparison. We are on the other side of an ocean from the situation instead of a two hour boat ride. And there was no too-harsh treaty leading to this event. And we arent party to the ongoing negotiations.

But you go right ahead Mr Bolton, get us involved in another war.
Yes. The USA is a hypocrite. We send anti-tank weaponry, air defense missile systems, guns, and various other armament. Then make excuses to not send Poland's old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Citing it would invite WWIII. What's the difference between weaponry being sent and the jets, which would be a GREAT help to Ukraine? Stop playing pattycake with "Puddin" (Harley Quinn's nickname for the sadistic Joker) and impose a no fly zone, and call the Joker's bluff. I seriously doubt the Russian military would launch nukes over what they know is unjustified Puddin war.
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Yes. The USA is a hypocrite. We send anti-tank weaponry, air defense missile systems, guns, and various other armament. Then make excuses to not send Poland's old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Citing it would invite WWII. What's the difference between weaponry being sent and the jets, which would be a GREAT help to Ukraine? Stop playing pattycake with "Puddin" (Harley Quinn's nickname for the sadistic Joker) and impose a no fly zone, and call the Joker's bluff. I serious doubt the Russian military would launch nukes over what they know is unjustified Pussing war.

How do propose we enforce the no fly zone without escalating the war into NATO countries?
Bad comparison. We are on the other side of an ocean from the situation instead of a two hour boat ride. And there was no too-harsh treaty leading to this event. And we arent party to the ongoing negotiations.

But you go right ahead Mr Bolton, get us involved in another war.
It'll come to us eventually, and I don't mean to our shores.

We look weaker and weaker a time goes on to this like Putin, Xi and myriad other dictators.

It's a very appropriate comparison
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How do propose we enforce the no fly zone without escalating the war into NATO countries?

Well, Poland is ready for that. Human stupidity guarantees we will eventually go into WWII anyway, might as well get the mess over with.
Well, Poland is ready for that. Human stupidity guarantees we will eventually go into WWII anyway, might as well get the mess over with.
War should be avoided at all costs (which is an idea that the US has failed miserably at for a century). With that said, at what point is it strategically detrimental to remain reactionary rather than proactive. My sense is that we aren’t close to the point where we need to be proactive, but I would love to have access to classified intelligence and analysis to make a more informed decision, maybe we are closer than conventional wisdom says we are… maybe not.
War should be avoided at all costs (which is an idea that the US has failed miserably at for a century). With that said, at what point is it strategically detrimental to remain reactionary rather than proactive. My sense is that we aren’t close to the point where we need to be proactive, but I would love to have access to classified intelligence and analysis to make a more informed decision, maybe we are closer than conventional wisdom says we are… maybe not.

Maybe we should've been proactive months ago. I'm glad you recognize a reactive administration. We are in a pickle. Now this administration has Russia with a seat at the table with Iran. We are all screwed up.
It'll come to us eventually, and I don't mean to our shores.

We look weaker and weaker a time goes on to this like Putin, Xi and myriad other dictators.

It's a very appropriate comparison
Us being strong has cost us trillions, lost us many lives, strengthened our enemies (Afghanistan), created chaos (Iraq, Libya), seen us tick off allies, is very likely leading us to another recession, exploded the number and powers of our Alphabet agencies. Stripped away personal and civil liberties here in the states and made our politicians extremely wealthy.

If that is what strong is, I am fine being week for a while. We are too spread thin. You defend everything you defend nothing. We should be selective so that if we have to fight we are ready, and not tied up in half a dozen conflicts at any given time.

We are the Karen's of the world. Sticking our noses into everyone's business. We have spoken to dozens of managers and now we want to take on one of the biggest out there.
War should be avoided at all costs (which is an idea that the US has failed miserably at for a century). With that said, at what point is it strategically detrimental to remain reactionary rather than proactive. My sense is that we aren’t close to the point where we need to be proactive, but I would love to have access to classified intelligence and analysis to make a more informed decision, maybe we are closer than conventional wisdom says we are… maybe not.

Your post is quite sensible. Unfortunately, history illustrates human stupidity for war-loving. So I expect, sooner or later, that's where we will be headed.
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Yes. The USA is a hypocrite. We send anti-tank weaponry, air defense missile systems, guns, and various other armament. Then make excuses to not send Poland's old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Citing it would invite WWII. What's the difference between weaponry being sent and the jets, which would be a GREAT help to Ukraine? Stop playing pattycake with "Puddin" (Harley Quinn's nickname for the sadistic Joker) and impose a no fly zone, and call the Joker's bluff. I seriously doubt the Russian military would launch nukes over what they know is unjustified Puddin war.
MiG 29s?
Yes. Further cripple the Russian military to the point of no return for them.
Yes. The USA is a hypocrite. We send anti-tank weaponry, air defense missile systems, guns, and various other armament. Then make excuses to not send Poland's old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Citing it would invite WWII. What's the difference between weaponry being sent and the jets, which would be a GREAT help to Ukraine? Stop playing pattycake with "Puddin" (Harley Quinn's nickname for the sadistic Joker) and impose a no fly zone, and call the Joker's bluff. I seriously doubt the Russian military would launch nukes over what they know is unjustified Puddin war.
Yeah the nuke threat is a bluff. Russia is going to eventually have to tuck its tail and return home and one of a few things are going to happen. They will lie to their public about how the war went but the truth will get out there eventually. They will blame every Western country and paint them as evil nazi's to try (again) to appease to the limp wrist left wingers that self impose crushing empathy into their "thinking". And the upside is that they could have their own insurrection and topple the government. I'm hoping for that so democrats can learn to distinguish between a peaceful protest and an actual insurrection.
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Yeah the nuke threat is a bluff. Russia is going to eventually have to tuck its tail and return home and one of a few things are going to happen. They will lie to their public about how the war went but the truth will get out there eventually. They will blame every Western country and paint them as evil nazi's to try (again) to appease to the limp wrist left wingers that self impose crushing empathy into their "thinking". And the upside is that they could have their own insurrection and topple the government. I'm hoping for that so democrats can learn to distinguish between a peaceful protest and an actual insurrection.

Human stupidity is repetitive in all its forms. And isn't limited to just one faction, therefore:
Whatsoever, for any cause,
Seeketh to take or give
Power above or beyond the Laws,
Suffer it not to live!
Holy State or Holy King--
Or Holy People's Will--
Have no truck with the senseless thing.

Order the guns and kill!
Yes. The USA is a hypocrite. We send anti-tank weaponry, air defense missile systems, guns, and various other armament. Then make excuses to not send Poland's old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Citing it would invite WWII. What's the difference between weaponry being sent and the jets, which would be a GREAT help to Ukraine? Stop playing pattycake with "Puddin" (Harley Quinn's nickname for the sadistic Joker) and impose a no fly zone, and call the Joker's bluff. I seriously doubt the Russian military would launch nukes over what they know is unjustified Puddin war.

Perfect... let's call a bluff and gamble with the existence of mankind.
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Well, Poland is ready for that. Human stupidity guarantees we will eventually go into WWII anyway, might as well get the mess over with.
I would rather buy for more time and hope cooler heads prevail. Looks like the only hope The West has is in the Pentagon right now. The Pentagon hasn't seemed to be too warm on the idea of escalating this as much as the DC bureaucrats, think tanks and media.

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