Would you support NATO establishing a no fly zone over Ukraine?

Would you support NATO establishing a no fly zone over Ukraine?

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Well, Poland is ready for that. Human stupidity guarantees we will eventually go into WWII anyway, might as well get the mess over with.
You may want to see how this plays out with regards to Poland before you make anymore assumptions about them.

I think Biden is meeting with them either today or tomorrow....
You may want to see how this plays out with regards to Poland before you make anymore assumptions about them. I think Biden is meeting with them either today or tomorrow....

Seriously, I don't want us all dead. However, I have little faith in humanity's ability to unstupidify itself or give up war-loving. And besides that, I'm quite convinced we are already at the tipping point of what The Man said: Matthew 24:21 - 22 I do admit, I'd like the whole mess done with, but no, I'm not in a hurry, I just admit it's coming anyway.
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Sign up to die for Biden's freak army to get a paycheck worth more and more nothing each day. If you somehow manage to make it through your first tour as cannon fodder, you will automatically be reassigned to the honorable ane even more dangerous and unofficially guaranteed suicide mission-esque propaganda missions known as "symbolic reparations." Remember, the goal here isn't to win, but to show the world and the rest of the US troops that our greatest strength can only be found through ridding ourselves of everything that once made us great. The Russians will cower at our overwhelming levels of diversity. Don't worry though, should you die, the US government is ready to continue educating your children about how evil their parents were during one of their many younger and younger classes on human "reproduction." Better yet, Biden has agreed to teach many of the youngsters himself.

Come on! Dontcha have a sense of history????


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