WSB Dedicated Thread

The only time you should be concerned about reddit is if you start referring to yourself as a "redditor". But usually by then your neckbeard and fedora collection has grown considerably.
I primarily sell naked puts on stocks that have good momentum. For awhile I was selling AMZN puts, but it has kind of cooled.
Can you help me understand the basics and where to start? Do you make decent profit off of this? This is a foreign topic for me
Can you help me understand the basics and where to start? Do you make decent profit off of this? This is a foreign topic for me
I will work up a post. What I do is not something a beginner should try. EVER. But there are options strategies that you can do and are relatively low risk.
Here’s the guy that tells the unwashed commoners what they should be buying and selling for an hour every day after the markets close and in the mornings as markets open. 2006.

Notice the constant sniffing?

Seems like he was coked up to me based on that and him spilling the beans on the wall street hedge fund scam.
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Lost interest in Cramer when I watched him say that there would be no end for the dot com bubble. He was heavily invested in them at a time I was out. His advice proved disastrous when the bubble burst.
Lost interest in Cramer when I watched him say that there would be no end for the dot com bubble. He was heavily invested in them at a time I was out. His advice proved disastrous when the bubble burst.
Video is worth your time - if nothing else to confirm what liars these people are.
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It sounds like you will need to be plugged into this amateur day trader community to get in early on these vital stock booms. If it hits the news and you aren’t already on board you are probably too late.

I found the whole situation very entertaining. It seems like the little guy won a battle but I have a feeling there is going to be a fall out down the road.
It sounds like you will need to be plugged into this amateur day trader community to get in early on these vital stock booms. If it hits the news and you aren’t already on board you are probably too late.

I found the whole situation very entertaining. It seems like the little guy won a battle but I have a feeling there is going to be a fall out down the road.
Looks like everyone is cashing out today2D5CF38A-2CD3-4991-97DB-6C48C610D752.png
Is this explanation accurate?
Naked Put Definition
Investopedia is a good source. Yes that is an accurate definition. In simple terms, I agree to buy 100 shares of a stock at $XXX. For that 'privilege', someone pays me $X/share. What I do is find a price below the current price that I would be willing to buy 100 shares of the stock (the strike price), and I sell the Put. So I collect what is called a premium which is mine to keep regardless of what happens.

Here's an example using Apple: AAPL's current price is $133/share. To buy 100 shares, you would need $13,300. AAPL was recently over $140/share so it is already trading at a discount to it's high. But let's say I was willing to buy it at $130/share. (Still requires $13,000 to make the purchase). I go and look at the options tables and see that the February 5 $130 PUT is going for $1.30. That means that someone would pay me $1.30/share for the right to put their shares to me if the price of AAPL is below $130 on Friday Feb 5th. That is the only time/date that matters. Whatever it does between now and then means nothing. So... I have collected $130 that is mine to keep no matter what happens on Friday. If the stock finishes 'out of the money' meaning it is above $130, I don't have to buy the stock and I have $130 to show for 4 days work. If the stock drops to anything below $130, I have to buy it at $130/share. Now what happens if I want out of the trade? As the price gets closer to the strike price ($130), the value of the premium($1.30/share) will go up. So let's say I decide I don't want AAPL at $130, but the price drops to $131/share and I am getting nervous. The price of that premium that I sold will now be higher because the likelihood of it being assigned is also higher (There is another thing called decay, but I won't get into that here) It might go to.. say $1.50/share. In this case, I can close out by buying back that contract at $1.50/share. When the dust settles, I will have lost $20 on the exchange, but I have no obligation to buy APPL anymore. Conversely, if AAPL goes up, the value of the premium will drop. So let's say AAPL goes to $135/share, the premium might go to $1.00/share. I could buy it back (I wouldn't) and I would still be $.30 ahead or $30 in my pocket. I would just let it go until Friday and expire 'out of the money' and the original $130 is mine to keep.

Sorry if this is complicated and boring. I will write about one that is a better way to start learning about options in a little bit.
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Can you help me understand the basics and where to start? Do you make decent profit off of this? This is a foreign topic for me

I recommend Theta Gang to learn this stuff. There is a website and a podcast. You can just jump right into the podcast episode 1 without any knowledge. You'll probably be totally lost at first but he teaches you something in every episode and the actual lessons are often short, so if you listen a few times you can get 90%+ understanding just through repetition.
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I recommend Theta Gang to learn this stuff. There is a website and a podcast. You can just jump right into the podcast episode 1 without any knowledge. You'll probably be totally lost at first but he teaches you something in every episode and the actual lessons are often short, so if you listen a few times you can get 90%+ understanding just through repetition.

You seem to be the most tuned in person here when it comes to podcasts. Is there a place you find podcasts categorized by genre or subject? If not, how do you find podcasts to check out related to your interests?
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I recommend Theta Gang to learn this stuff. There is a website and a podcast. You can just jump right into the podcast episode 1 without any knowledge. You'll probably be totally lost at first but he teaches you something in every episode and the actual lessons are often short, so if you listen a few times you can get 90%+ understanding just through repetition.
Those stocks look like the reddit gang have invaded it...
I am starting this thread specifically for a dedicated forum regarding stock movement etc.

I personally missed this GME thing and am pissed.

I do not have a reddit account or wsb account.

How does everyone feel about following wsb together and then discussing things in this thread?

This is a completely non political thread on opinion and simply for us political forum people to throw ideas back and forth.


Is the GME thing a one-hit-wonder for WSB? That subreddit is mostly about YOLO investing and losses. Most of those guys have no idea what they're doing and they're having a blast. I'm mostly there for the lulz and the excitement. There are a few really smart people. One dude took $50k to $50m in the last 18 months. But I wouldn't look to that subreddit as any guide on future stock market choices, necessarily.

It already appears that counter-intel is worming its way into WSB (the silver run right now, for example). Right now, they're not holding on GME like they hoped they would.

Lastly, WSB might have numbered days. They would flip out at Reddit if it gets shut down, but they are giving them an excuse with the language that they use there.
You seem to be the most tuned in person here when it comes to podcasts. Is there a place you find podcasts categorized by genre or subject? If not, how do you find podcasts to check out related to your interests?

It seems like you should just be able to search a pod app and find the best ones but it's not always that easy. I was looking for a podcast specifically for this topic and ended up finding this one through Reddit. Usually, a podcast is recommended to me. We have a couple of threads on VN worth checking out.

VN Store
