WSB Dedicated Thread

How is the strike price set? Is there a formula?
The strike price are prices that folks might want to pay for the stock. And they are generally pretty extensive. There are options to buy Amazon for $50, but the option premium is probably $.01. If you are referring to the premium, that is based on what the market is doing.. volatility and volume of stock sales and stuff like that. It is a great question, but really down in the weeds. Just think of it as a secondary market. Options are derivatives of the underlying stock. Like the dy/dx in calculus. As the bigger number moves, the smaller number moves too but in smaller increments. (And I know nothing about calculus...)
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I think there's more behind these "pump" stocks that just reddit. Maybe some hedge funds are fueling the reddit boards or something. If I understand correctly, AMC traded all it's float 3 times in one day the other day. That can't be just some chat board guys.

It's fascinating either way. Not sure how long it'll last but I'd bet Gamestop is a $5 stock 18 months from now
It seems like you should just be able to search a pod app and find the best ones but it's not always that easy. I was looking for a podcast specifically for this topic and ended up finding this one through Reddit. Usually, a podcast is recommended to me. We have a couple of threads on VN worth checking out.
I wonder if there is a potential business opportunity to list, catalog, and connect podcasters to listeners? For that matter, why isn't there a database of stream material with both audio and video content?
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I think there's more behind these "pump" stocks that just reddit. Maybe some hedge funds are fueling the reddit boards or something. If I understand correctly, AMC traded all it's float 3 times in one day the other day. That can't be just some chat board guys.

It's fascinating either way. Not sure how long it'll last but I'd bet Gamestop is a $5 stock 18 months from now
I was telling my wife this morning that GME is just like bitcoin right now. It has no intrinsic value, but people are buying it. I HATE seeing businesses fail, and this makes me sad. Bunch of ****ing hyenas fighting over the liver.
I’d like to know what’s to stop the hedge funds from front running Reddit go forward. Everything they do and talk about is out in the open.
I've spent a few minutes on WSB this morning. So far it seems like VN with ADD + a LOT of anger. I am not real sure where to start with it. Any help/suggestions out there?
NEW: Robinhood has raised $3.4 billion from shareholders since last Thursday, and is seeing record app downloads, with 600,000 downloads on just Friday alone.
NEW: Robinhood has raised $3.4 billion from shareholders since last Thursday, and is seeing record app downloads, with 600,000 downloads on just Friday alone.
It will be interesting to see what happens if they go public.... or are they already?
Lost interest in Cramer when I watched him say that there would be no end for the dot com bubble. He was heavily invested in them at a time I was out. His advice proved disastrous when the bubble burst.
Yeah, I lost interest when I heard him talk about a merger between Norfolk-Southern Railroad and CSX. Ran it by my dad, a former Norfolk-Southern electrician, and he pretty much horse laughed me.
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NEW: Robinhood has raised $3.4 billion from shareholders since last Thursday, and is seeing record app downloads, with 600,000 downloads on just Friday alone.

Robinhood Is Reportedly Raising Another Billion Dollars... On Top Of $4 Billion In Last Week | ZeroHedge
Thanks. I guess I just need to spend some time with it..

I never really post on anything there aside from hospitality stuff and bushcrafting subs but there's honestly a subreddit (think of those as subforums) for everyone. Sure, the community as a whole leans left because it's the internet, but I guarantee if you spent an hour on there just searching for communities you'd find at least three subs that you'll pin to your favorites and/or quicklink to your home screen/desktop.

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