A couple notes from last night:
1. I really enjoyed the 2 sided Kane last night. If they keep doing this, I think this will be a good one-off feud between him and Seth. The real question is what's next for Rollins after Kane?
2. Reigns is getting more comfortable on the Mic. It looks like Vince and creative have stopped force feeding him lines. I hope this continues.
3. Why was Jericho not on the show? After building up so much on the mystery partner, they hardly mention him the next night. They have an opportunity to set up a good feud between Ambrose and Jericho, but they chose not to.
1. Agreed. I fear Kane destroys Rollins and we're stuck with a (hopefully brief) Sheamus title run.
2. Agreed completely. Reigns was great on the mic last night.
3. Jericho may have just wanted the one show
Anybody watch the JBL/Bischoff interview? It was pretty good. Being the WWE homer that JBL is, I thought he would take the chance to rag on Bischoff, but he was pretty respectful.
One thing I don't agree with is them blaming the end of WCW mostly on the AOL/Time Warner merger. WCW was going downhill before then, and I think AOL/Time Warner saw the handwriting on the wall (even tho JBL was correct about it being a terrible merger). A lot of WCW's problem, besides promoting dinosaurs, is that Bischoff didn't know how to draw live enough, and especially PPV. He was all about weekly TV ratings. And beating WWE in ratings was such a priority for him that he was blowing thru too many matchups and potential PPV draws on free TV on a weekly basis.
On the other hand, I thought Bischoff was modest, especially when the topic came up about him making new stars. He did make a few.
Looking forward to part 2.
they put the WCW belt on Benoit, so I'm not sure what else they could do to show they thought he was a top of the card guy. Those guys may have gotten bigger in WWE, but it was Bischoff that was giving airtime to cruiserweights and lucha libre guys in the mid 90s while Vince was infatuated with big men.I'll always just find it funny that WCW had the following guys;
3 of the best of all time and they claim they werent ready for the main event even though they were killing it. Eric said he made them stars, no you didn't. They made themself stars and refused to credit them.