I think WWE is actually solid programming right now, but look at all the young talent they have.
They have a perfect position to give a young star a break with this Bryan injury and make someone a star, and they most likely are going to give the belt to Randy Orton, Kane, or 46 year old Dave Batista. Guys that were fighting for the belts when I was in middle school.
Barrett was fighting for the WWE title in 2010. He just got another push in 2014. Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler held the heavyweight title last summer. They can't even get an IC title shot over 40 something year old RVD. Swagger won the heavyweight title a couple years ago and he's in a fued with a guy named Adam Rose, whose catchphrase is "Don't be a lemon, be a rosebud." Antonio Cesaro is in the same spot as last year even with Paul Heyman in his corner. Shemaus was the next big thing and is a multiple time WWE champion and they have no idea what to do with him. They turned him heel a month ago and now is a face again.
They really, really need to elevate some of the mid-card.