Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

You saw this one right?

You should google Getlin... the guy is shady and probably the source of the story. Robinson (the other writer) is a legit writer but Getlin being a co-writer on this and the article saying the info comes from an NFL agent plus knowing what we know Getlin's side business connects some dots. Robinson is legit from what I've heard but Getlin is just as bad as all the other agents he's trying to beat out for his own company.
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Everybody keeps saying Couch needs to "just repay the money" like he's got an extra thousand dollars sitting around in his bank account. He'd probably have to commit another violation to repay the first.

I just always assumed that's what happens. "You were caught taking money, pay it back!" Some other source provides that and they all go about their lives as if nothing happened. Could be a Blue Chips moment and they just find a bag with the payback money sitting on their desk or something.
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You should google Getlin... the guy is shady and probably the source of the story. Robinson (the other writer) is a legit writer but Getlin being a co-writer on this and the article saying the info comes from an NFL agent plus knowing what we know Getlin's side business connects some dots. Robinson is legit from what I've heard but Getlin is just as bad as all the other agents he's trying to beat out for his own company.

Put your flame proof pants on and be your own person buddy. These guys don't want to think they didn't see it first.
Ugh! Cowherd this morning is trying to give this story legs. Says it's relevant and that it's "only the beginning" of this story. Says he believes there is "more to come." he did this all of course with out even muttering the word "Tennessee". Simply says "certain SEC schools". I'm beginning to see the scope of the anti Tennessee power base. Butch Jones has got his work cut out for him. There are a lot of people who don't want to see him succeed.

Our SEC rivals know that he is a threat to them because look at his success on the recruiting trail thus far. If he keeps recruiting the way he is, it's only a matter of time before the Vols are back on top.

That being said, I totally understand all of this especially the statement in bold.:twocents:
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Yes. Very much so. This whole thing is not "nothing" as others would have you believe.

This is not a LOIC, this just appears to be two players getting money from an agent outside of the scope of the university. Again, there is no way they can prove that Bray or Couch actually signed for the wire transfers.

Without hard proof the NCAA has nothing, no photos, no video, no one will talk about it if I had to guess. Unless the players and/or coaches if we want to go that far, comes out and says yes I took the money or they knew about them taking money then nothing will come of this.

The only thing might come of it is Couch might be done at UT, but again no proof on the NCAA's part then even that might not happen.
The transfers came from a Tuscaloosa Pharmacy type deal from what I read and your going to send 200 here then 3 months later send 250 dollars to who?? Mo Couch???

Just because it's coming from Tuscaloosa I am solely blaming bammers in this conspiracy I have now. Fluker was high draft pick I see him getting 33,000 but couple hundred for Bray and COUCH??!! Can't make any sense out of this at ALL!!!


Bammer is SO damn dirty that it ends up landing on other programs as well. They are going to fall hard and take us down with them.
Our SEC rivals know that he is a threat to them because look at his success on the recruiting trail thus far. If he keeps recruiting the way he is, it's only a matter of time before the Vols are back on top.

That being said, I totally understand all of this especially the statement in bold.:twocents:

Yeah, Alabama is putting their 2012 BCS championship on the chopping block in an effort to deflate CBJ and UT's eventual rise to power.

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Yep, that's my line of thinking as well. Couch has a wife and child and bills. It may be a violation of NCAA rules, but what "legal" options does he have to earn money? If I'm honest with myself, I'm not sure I wouldn't take the money myself. Throw in circumstances like, being behind on rent, child needs medicine, etc... I'm not casting any stones.

I don't have any children but I still totally understand this thnking as well. You have to do what you have to as a parent to care for your children, but I don't think the NCAA takes this into account unfortunately.:ermm:

They have a set of rules in which they have to follow and until there are changes like maybe a student credit card or something is issued to said student athlete, then it's probably not the end of things like this happening. That being said there are too many rules, IMO.:twocents:
This is not a LOIC, this just appears to be two players getting money from an agent outside of the scope of the university. Again, there is no way they can prove that Bray or Couch actually signed for the wire transfers.

Without hard proof the NCAA has nothing, no photos, no video, no one will talk about it if I had to guess. Unless the players and/or coaches if we want to go that far, comes out and says yes I took the money or they knew about them taking money then nothing will come of this.

The only thing might come of it is Couch might be done at UT, but again no proof on the NCAA's part then even that might not happen.

think you are right about us but it could be LOIC for bama with davis hanging around the there program!
This whole thing is akin to someone rolling down the windows in a car after someone has farted. Rolling down the window is rude. So just hold your breath a few seconds and be done with it.
Quitting the team, which would therefore void his scholly, and getting a job, would certainly be an option. He could bide his time and try to get on with a pro team. Of course, unlike Bray, who got an invite to the NFL Combine, Couch would have a much harder road.

By my count, he allegedly took $1350. If he made $8/Hr, worked a 40 hour week, $320/week(taxes not considered) he'd make $1600 in 5 weeks.

If he doesn't get on with an NFL team, he's given up his education and to improve his life after football, he'd have to maintain that job and most of the money would go to UT, as he re-enrolls to finish his degree.

I don't pretend to know anything about Couch's circumstances. As I said if I'm on honest with myself, if I was a married dad, and someone was going to "help" me out based on what I might earn later, I'd be tempted, at least.

We can't negate the fact that, if this is true, Couch took the money, knowing it could damage the team he signed on with, could nullify his eligibility-- thus his scholarship and his NFL chances. He threatened an education and a potential NFL career for around $1300.

If it is true, he was an idiot and jeopardized the future of the family that we're all now wringing our hands over in hindsight.
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think you are right about us but it could be LOIC for bama with davis hanging around the there program!

And bama lets that stinker still hang around thinking everything's cool. Keep thinking that, bammer. The same folks at the NCAA that hammered bammer in the 1990's are still there!
I don't have any children but I still totally understand this thnking as well. You have to do what you have to as a parent to care for your children, but I don't think the NCAA takes this into account unfortunately.:ermm:

They have a set of rules in which they have to follow and until there are changes like maybe a student credit card or something is issued to said student athlete, then it's probably not the end of things like this happening. That being said there are too many rules, IMO.:twocents:

You are right, of course, they don't take it into account, maybe they should.

I'm not apologizing for Couch because I'm a UT fan. I'm apologizing for ALL the players subjected to this out dated system.

If my mom can't afford a plane ticket to the NCG, the rules don't allow the schools to foot the bill, someone offers to "help my mom out", I'm takin' it. On the surface, that seems selfish because the players know they aren't supposed to take the money and if they win the NCG, the NCAA can strip them of the title. Why do it then?

Because by the time the NCAA comes to a resolution, the player probably won't be in college. If you played in the NCG and you won, can they really take it away? No. It may matter to the institution, maybe even the ball coach, but the players know they played the game, does it really matter if the recognition of it goes away?

Some of these guys, Manziel and Bray, don't really need the money. I don't know why guys like that do what they do. Bray has paid a rather large price for his actions at UT and $900 bucks is a drop in the bucket, just another poor decision while he was at UT.

UT sitting Couch, maybe he'll never play another down, has the potential to cost him a boat load of money. That's a pretty harsh penalty for taking $1300 dollars. In fact, it's ridiculous. If you lumped every compliance office together, you're talking millions of dollars being spent to make sure kids don't take the money. It's nuts.
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think you are right about us but it could be LOIC for bama with davis hanging around the there program!

Totally agree, it looks worse for Bama then it does us, but I could see them try and spin it the same way, a rogue agent hooked into a student who needed the money, school knew nothing about it. Will have a meeting with all players to go over the rules again, might self impose a few scholarships, and then the NCAA might be ok with that.

It all depends on how Bama handles it, while it looks for us that all the evidence can be argued that someone else was posing as Bray or Couch and possibly get a slap on the wrist, but I do think we'll be closely watched for a while by the NCAA
Totally agree, it looks worse for Bama then it does us, but I could see them try and spin it the same way, a rogue agent hooked into a student who needed the money, school knew nothing about it. Will have a meeting with all players to go over the rules again, might self impose a few scholarships, and then the NCAA might be ok with that.

It all depends on how Bama handles it, while it looks for us that all the evidence can be argued that someone else was posing as Bray or Couch and possibly get a slap on the wrist, but I do think we'll be closely watched for a while by the NCAA

The problem for Couch is that he's either got to own up to it and have the NCAA fastrack his penalty so he can play or wait or see how it plays out. The writers say they won't turn over the evidence to the NCAA which means the NCAA is going to have to find it themselves. However, UT is under probation so his best option may be to admit to something they have no evidence of him doing yet and may never find evidence of (and what I mean by that is NCAA has to get the evidence themselves by their own rules not from reading an article) and take the suspension they dish out in the hopes he can play the rest of the season. Pray for leniency over the fact you have child to feed.

Rolling the dice may take to long when you're a senior. I don't know that he's got much more options than that.
We can't negate the fact that, if this is true, Couch took the money, knowing it could damage the team he signed on with, could nullify his eligibility-- thus his scholarship and his NFL chances. He threatened an education and a potential NFL career for around $1300.

If it is true, he was an idiot and jeopardized the future of the family that we're all now wringing our hands over in hindsight.

I'm not trying to negate anything. He broke a rule. At the very least it costs him the experience of playing the number 2 team in the country. It doesn't help the team in terms of depth that he would have likely been able to provide, so both he and the team will pay a price.

How much more of a penalty should he have to pay? Likely it will be the rest of his college career. Seems like the penalty is a bit harsh for a broken rule.
Again I state nothing will come out of it. This has and always will happen until at least three things happen.

1)College athletes quit being broke.
2)Pro agents and financial advisers quit being crooks.
3)The NCAA assclown patrol quits being hypocrites.
The problem for Couch is that he's either got to own up to it and have the NCAA fastrack his penalty so he can play or wait or see how it plays out. The writers say they won't turn over the evidence to the NCAA which means the NCAA is going to have to find it themselves. However, UT is under probation so his best option may be to admit to something they have no evidence of him doing yet and may never find evidence of (and what I mean by that is NCAA has to get the evidence themselves by their own rules not from reading an article) and take the suspension they dish out in the hopes he can play the rest of the season. Pray for leniency over the fact you have child to feed.

Rolling the dice may take to long when you're a senior. I don't know that he's got much more options than that.

I can see trying to go that route, the down part of that is Couch would have to take full responsibility and not implicate UT in any way. Will the NCAA take that and just suspend him for a few games or will they rule him ineligible for the rest of the year?

Granted he shouldn't have taken the money, but lets hope the NCAA does have a soft heart about children.

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