Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

The transfers came from a Tuscaloosa Pharmacy type deal from what I read and your going to send 200 here then 3 months later send 250 dollars to who?? Mo Couch???

Just because it's coming from Tuscaloosa I am solely blaming bammers in this conspiracy I have now. Fluker was high draft pick I see him getting 33,000 but couple hundred for Bray and COUCH??!! Can't make any sense out of this at ALL!!!

That's being speculated as fact on sports radio here in Nashville.... That Couch will undoubtedly sit this weekend and that he's done at UT. Don't know if that's an accurate take but they're saying it very matter of fact. Guess we'll know soon.

They can go through the process Cam Newton went through. Not sure if it's possible for him to repay the money and regain eligibility or whatever.
The transfers came from a Tuscaloosa Pharmacy type deal from what I read and your going to send 200 here then 3 months later send 250 dollars to who?? Mo Couch???

Just because it's coming from Tuscaloosa I am solely blaming bammers in this conspiracy I have now. Fluker was high draft pick I see him getting 33,000 but couple hundred for Bray and COUCH??!! Can't make any sense out of this at ALL!!!


Either Bray and Couch received substantially more money than has been discovered, or they got tricked into taking a little bit of money in order to ensure that if Bama had a problem from this, so would Tennessee. That's my take.
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Well, Bray's the freakin gift that keeps on giving. Sucked on the field, off the field. Hurt the program while he was on campus and now he's gonna hurt the program when he's no longer on campus. Appreciate ya Tyler.

Is it safe to criticize Bray?...I thought he was under the VFL Police's umbrella
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That's being speculated as fact on sports radio here in Nashville.... That Couch will undoubtedly sit this weekend and that he's done at UT. Don't know if that's an accurate take but they're saying it very matter of fact. Guess we'll know soon.

Ouch thanks KB
Kills me how media spend all this time researching all this stuff. Ruin kids lives potentially over a little money, so they can makes tons. Ridiculous.

Hmmm... I get what you're trying to say. But if the kids are in fact breaking the rules, they are ruining their own lives. And that does not mean that I agree with the rules, but until they are changed, the kids need to abide by them.
The problem is, do you play Mo until this gets worked out or do you risk playing him and having no bowl? Yahoo is saying that it could have an effect on eligibility.
Calm the meltdown.

Manziel got suspended for 1 half after everything he did with the autographs.

I'm gonna wait a while before I say Couch is done at UT. Let it play out.
Calm the meltdown.

Manziel got suspended for 1 half after everything he did with the autographs.

I'm gonna wait a while before I say Couch is done at UT. Let it play out.

There is evidence in this case...
So ya'll remember Fluker's "HACKED" tweet don't you???

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The more I think about all those 4th qtr collapses, the more I think Bray was paid off.

And still, there is nothing to this story.
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