Yahoo claiming Bray and Couch (among others) took cash? (Merged)

He is innocent until proven guilty. The problem is if you play him and he is later found guilty you risk having to forfeit every game that he played in

So what?

It's not we are going to be playing for a championship this year. IMHO, it's worth the risk.
Well this explains why our O never did anything the second half and could be why our D was so horrible last year. The amounts don't make sense that an agent was buying them but could explain why Bray only got so much and Couch got alot more payments. Maybe I'm wrong but it just seems more likely that they were being paid to toss games(or at least lose to the spread) and Couch got alot more credit with the horrible D than Bray and the O scoring a bunch of points. It would explain Brays decisions when he would drop back look at one receiver and toss it out of bounds when he was under very little pressure.
Wait, y'all PAID Bray? Seriously?

Exactly, the absurdity of such an idea should be enough for this to be a 15 min story and then blow over.

The University did nothing wrong. Now, Couch will be questioned by the University and the NCAA. If they find wrong doing by Couch, he will be kicked off the team.

Problem solved.
Well this explains why our O never did anything the second half and could be why our D was so horrible last year. The amounts don't make sense that an agent was buying them but could explain why Bray only got so much and Couch got alot more payments. Maybe I'm wrong but it just seems more likely that they were being paid to toss games(or at least lose to the spread) and Couch got alot more credit with the horrible D than Bray and the O scoring a bunch of points. It would explain Brays decisions when he would drop back look at one receiver and toss it out of bounds when he was under very little pressure.

This is why I support an IQ test to drive and vote.
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why is it when tennessee starts to play great ball and might have chance to be in top 25 they start this **** i am sick of it tennessee is a team they seem to be afarid of ,well i look at it like this they are no longer at tennessee ,let the new team and coachs show everyone what they are made of
"I have a video and an unnamed source!" -Joe Shad and Darren Rovell

Do you find it ironic that Johnny Football gets distraught when family and friends ask for autographs yet he'll sign 1,000's for brokers out of the goodness of his heart?
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AJ Green got 4 games for selling his own jersey yet players sell their bowl game rings every year. There is no rationale when it comes to the NCAA.
So what?

It's not we are going to be playing for a championship this year. IMHO, it's worth the risk.

Championship no, but we are playing for a bowl game, and more importantly the extra month of practice with a young team that goes with it
Cam Newton got paid 100,000 at Auburn and the NCAA never did anything. NOTHING should happen with this.
Is it safe to criticize Bray?...I thought he was under the VFL Police's umbrella
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Good question Butch. Bit of a knee jerk reaction on my part but whatevs... posted with full knowledge of repercussions likely coming my way from said VFL Police.... Ain't skeered....

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