Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Lol, your standard of evidence must be pretty low. I guess when you're an ideologue, you'll believe any bs as evidence

You guess wrong. My standard of evidence is where it should be, not with a silver spoon NYC brat who is a notorious liar, so pathetically selfish that he is incapable of admitting he lost an election that he did in fact lose.
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The New American citizens was are reference to Confederates that were brought back into the union.

Did you read it? I'll quote it for you.

2. Lincoln didn’t believe Black people should have the same rights as white people.
Though Lincoln argued that the founding fathers’ phrase “All men are created equal” applied to Black and white people alike, this did not mean he thought they should have the same social and political rights. His views became clear during an 1858 series of debates with his opponent in the Illinois race for U.S. Senate, Stephen Douglas, who had accused him of supporting “negro equality.”
In their fourth debate, at Charleston, Illinois, on September 18, 1858, Lincoln made his position clear. “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and Black races,” he began, going on to say that he opposed Black people having the right to vote, to serve on juries, to hold office and to intermarry with whites.
You mean unconstitutional controls on the states were lifted.

Not really, in short, argument was that pre-clearance is no longer needed because the states have provided adequate protection. i.e. no more poll taxes, literacy test ect.

The court agreed and removed pre-clearance or your "unconstitutional controls on the states."

Now some people realize that allowing the states to do completely what they please with elections led to their favorite candidate losing. Or if your a sheeple then the election was "rigged."
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In your first paragraph you call it a war of conquest by Lincoln against a sovereign nation then in your second you call it an armed rebellion against the constitution. So what was it? An Armed rebellion that Lincoln killed hundreds of thousands of Americans putting down or a war of conquest against a sovereign nation?

War of conquest from the northern side because the current south can't wrap their brain around the concept that the confederacy voluntarily left the union. The ancestors would be disappointed.
War of conquest from the northern side because the current south can't wrap their brain around the concept that the confederacy voluntarily left the union. The ancestors would be disappointed.

Yes the states that formed the confederacy voluntarily left the union, who's disputing that?
Anyone claiming that Lincoln violated the Constitution by starting the civil war. That poster's comment is probably buried in this thread.

Do we agree that the southern states seceded and formed another sovereign state? Do we agree that Lincoln launched a war of aggression on the confederacy?

If we agree on those 2 points the yes Lincoln violated the constitution because congress never declared war on the confederacy.
Do we agree that the southern states seceded and formed another sovereign state? Do we agree that Lincoln launched a war of aggression on the confederacy?

If we agree on those 2 points the yes Lincoln violated the constitution because congress never declared war on the confederacy.

Do we agree that the southern states seceded and formed another sovereign state? Do we agree that Lincoln launched a war of aggression on the confederacy?

If we agree on those 2 points the yes Lincoln violated the constitution because congress never declared war on the confederacy.

Congress declaring war or not isn't necessarily Lincoln violating the constitution. The last time Congress declared war was WWII. Congress did approve spending for military spending and troop increases. The idea that Lincoln leads this tyrannical attack on the Confederacy, falls flat on its face.
Congress declaring war or not isn't necessarily Lincoln violating the constitution. The last time Congress declared war was WWII. Congress did approve spending for military spending and troop increases. The idea that Lincoln leads this tyrannical attack on the Confederacy, falls flat on its face.

Yes congress approved the funding to fight the war after the fact. Lincoln called for the states to raise 75,000 troops, increased the size of the Navy and marched south all without any congressional approval since he (Lincoln) classified it as putting down a rebellion he decided that he didn't need approval for anything. So yeah congress approved funding after Lincoln started the war, what other choice did they have?
Yes congress approved the funding to fight the war after the fact. Lincoln called for the states to raise 75,000 troops, increased the size of the Navy and marched south all without any congressional approval since he (Lincoln) classified it as putting down a rebellion he decided that he didn't need approval for anything. So yeah congress approved funding after Lincoln started the war, what other choice did they have?

They could have not funded the war, especially if it was seen as a violation of the constitution. Which is were this whole discussion started.

Too many people have glorified the southern secession, by choice or by ignorance. The ratification of the constitution with states sovereignty foreshadowed the civil war. Guys like Robert E. Lee and I hope my ancestors understood the choices they were making to leave the union. They no longer desired to be part of the United States of America and were willing to lose their life over the issue. No reason to bash or glorify the south, no reason to have statues to a men who willingly chose to be an enemy of the Constitution. Robert E. Lee was not a horrible person but never should have been celebrated for his role in the war

A quote from "I'm A Good Ole Rebel"

Those that decided to participate in the attack on the capitol will have no such statues. Hopefully, all will be held accountable from top to bottom.
"I hates the Constitution, this "Great Republic," too!"
They could have not funded the war, especially if it was seen as a violation of the constitution. Which is were this whole discussion started.

Too many people have glorified the southern secession, by choice or by ignorance. The ratification of the constitution with states sovereignty foreshadowed the civil war. Guys like Robert E. Lee and I hope my ancestors understood the choices they were making to leave the union. They no longer desired to be part of the United States of America and were willing to lose their life over the issue. No reason to bash or glorify the south, no reason to have statues to a men who willingly chose to be an enemy of the Constitution. Robert E. Lee was not a horrible person but never should have been celebrated for his role in the war

A quote from "I'm A Good Ole Rebel"

Those that decided to participate in the attack on the capitol will have no such statues. Hopefully, all will be held accountable from top to bottom.
"I hates the Constitution, this "Great Republic," too!"

WTF is this rant about? How exactly was REL or the confederacy an enemy of the constitution?

If anyone was an enemy of the constitution it was Lincoln, the man that violated it numerous times.
WTF is this rant about? How exactly was REL or the confederacy an enemy of the constitution?

If anyone was an enemy of the constitution it was Lincoln, the man that violated it numerous times.

Not a rant at all.

The cycle begins again. haha
Trump is blatantly lying about the Arizona "audit," to cheering crowds of deluded suck-ups.

At Georgia rally, Trump falsely claims Arizona audit found he won in Maricopa County

It gets worse. By attempting to overthrow the 2020 Election, Trump declared his desire to become dictator. His suck-up followers are likewise exposing themselves as blood thirsty fascists.

Pro-Trump Congressional Candidate Says 'Audit All 50 states' and 'Execute All Involved'
It’s hilarious you call Trump a dictator with the crap Biden is doing. As usual, whatever you all accuse Trump of being is what the Dems actually are.

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