Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Between Joe, other "politicians" and now Hillary, you're working overtime to redirect the conversation at hand. Also, pretty sure we had lots of threads about Hillary.

I'm still waiting for you to respond to my other message. Now I find you over here.
Yes, reality is what actually happened. Biden was elected and is currently screwing up the country, yet here we are still discussing Trump months after he left office. It's a shell game. Keep talking about things that could have happened but didn't so we can avoid talking about what IS happening.

Simple question, did Trump use his Presidential powers to overturn the election?

I already answered your question. To date, there is no evidence that he used what you would call “official” powers. I even said it was a good point.

And I’m only talking about things that actually happened: you saying John Eastman lied about writing a memo detailing how Pence could unilaterally overturn the election? You saying Trump didn’t publicly praise Eastman’s work and promise his supporters (who are critical to Pence’s political future) that Pence was going to come through for them so that “we win?” In your “reality” Michael Luttig and Dan Quayle both lied about Pence seeking their counsel and being under pressure from Trump? Those are things that actually happened. You’d know that it if you had bothered to get all the facts before making up your mind.

“Not bad” presidents don’t try to overthrow democracy to maintain office 😂 I’m amazed that that’s a sentence I even have to type or that the recipient of said sentence would be in any way confused about why people don’t buy his “nonpartisan” schtick.

There is good news, though, we can now conclusively rule out “not buying in to the Democratic Party narrative” as the reason people say you’re carrying water for Trump. It’s because you ignore facts and any semblance of reason to cultivate your own partisan narrative in which you bend over backwards to look the other way when presented with facts that cast him in a less than favorable light. Glad we solved that, you can go talk about Biden, now, since apparently you were being forced to have this conversation against your will. 😂
This is an amusing attempt at revisionism. I appreciate that you’ve clearly realized he was a turd. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a turd you’ve been polishing for four years.
Have you about cried yourself out on this issue again?
Those powers don't exist. He checked.
He admits that what he tried to do, if successful, would have been a coup but it wasn’t a coup because *checks notes* he stopped reading before he got to the part where Trump actually tried to get Pence to do it.

It’s like applying my relationship with Star Wars to reality.
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Went and got IV fluids last night. Prepared to laugh until I cry until I’m dehydrated again today. Glad you’re back to help make that happen.
So no then. Oh well this “it was a coup!” 5 year old temper tantrum will go on a bit longer I guess. Have you moved on to holding your breath yet or still hung up on stomping your feet?
Tell that to your ignorant damnself and take your own advice.

So no then. Oh well this “it was a coup!” 5 year old temper tantrum will go on a bit longer I guess. Have you moved on to holding your breath yet or still hung up on stomping your feet?
Can you go back to the part where you were explaining how you totally don’t carry water for Trump, but there’s ackshually nothing wrong with him trying to get Pence to unilaterally overturn the election even though Pence was right to ignore him? Thanks in advance.
If it was legal for Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner, how is that a coup?
Is it a coup to research ways to legally have the VP refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner?
Is it a coup when 1 or even a team of attorneys decide it is legal for the VP to refuse electoral votes?
If nothing done was illegal it wasn't an attempted coup.
Can you go back to the part where you were explaining how you totally don’t carry water for Trump, but there’s ackshually nothing wrong with him trying to get Pence to unilaterally overturn the election even though Pence was right to ignore him? Thanks in advance.
I realize you’re all in on selling that and think there were actual expectations of that being an outcome Trump thought he could achieve but you’re the only one in here really convinced he thought he could accomplish that. Of course you’re also the fool who claims Mueller showed Russia collusion too sooooooo…. 🤷‍♂️
If it was legal for Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner, how is that a coup?
Is it a coup to research ways to legally have the VP refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner?
Is it a coup when 1 or even a team of attorneys decide it is legal for the VP to refuse electoral votes?
If nothing done was illegal it wasn't an attempted coup.
Oh you’ve done it now. Of course maybe you can push him into holding his breath and he will pass out now.
If it was legal for Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner, how is that a coup?
Is it a coup to research ways to legally have the VP refuse to count the electoral votes for Biden and declare Trump the winner?
Is it a coup when 1 or even a team of attorneys decide it is legal for the VP to refuse electoral votes?
If nothing done was illegal it wasn't an attempted coup.

“Pence actually could decide the election?” That’s what you’re going with?
No he’s trying to enrage your 5 year old temper tantrum further and you can’t help but take the bait 😂
If you think that making yourselves look like hypocritical morons “enrages my temper” I’m definitely not going to dissuade you. Here’s an angry emoji for you. 😡
Did you miss the "if it was legal"?

I did not miss it. That’s actually why I asked.

“If it was legal” is a hypothetical that suggests that there’s some ambiguity about whether it is legal.

If you know it’s not legal, then there’s no reason to pose the hypothetical.
I did not miss it. That’s actually why I asked.

“If it was legal” is a hypothetical that suggests that there’s some ambiguity about whether it is legal.

If you know it’s not legal, then there’s no reason to pose the hypothetical.

It is in the discussion of whether or not this fits the definition of a coup.

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