Admittedly, if I vote for McCain it will be more a vote against Obama than anything else.
Then again, if I vote for Obama, it will be more a vote against McCain than confidence in Obama.
Like I said, choice between lesser of two evils and I'm not convinced either way at this point.
(I am sure the majority of my political posts here would be perceived as anti-Republican, but I ask that you realize two things. First, I rarely post something "pro"-Obama. I'm not advocating him, really. Second, most of my criticism of the Republican machine is of people who I consider to be ideologically and definitiely intellectually bankrupt, like Hannity. That has much less to do with their politics than their infuriating illogic, which seems to me to exponentially increase every day. If I vote for Obama, it will be as much to tell Hannity and his ilk to screw off than anything else.)