You ever get one upped?

I have a buddy...yeah mm
Teaches the Seals how to be Seals uh humm..

He's a Seaseal yehmm...
Penelope is my sister.
She dated him uh huh...
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My grandfather worked with a guy years ago that was a grand one up'er. They called him Mighty Mouse.

My grandfather said the guy would be there lying straight faced, someone would call him out, and he would switch to another tall tale without missing a beat.

One of the best stories he told was that Bruce Lee was at a karate tournament in Gatlinburg one time and that mighty mouse said he went 3 rounds with Bruce. Said he was the only guy there that went past the 1st round.
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I had a Texan tell me that he was sitting in his trailer, somewhere in Texas in the late 70's, when he heard a knock at the back door. He opened the door, low and behold, it was Chuck Norris asking for a beer. Lol

This guy was more full of $#!t than anyone else I've ever met.
Worked with a guy that was like that. No matter what you said, he had a better, cooler, more impressive story.

You could say "I had a good meal at ________ last night."

That's all he needed. "Well, one time in Costa Rica, we met a local guy that wanted to show us how to really enjoy food. He caught us fresh fish and clams right out of the ocean, picked some fruit right off the trees, grilled them right there on the beach...."

We called him Cool Whip...because he topped everything.
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I worked with a guy when I first moved to Georgia who told a bunch of wild stories from his navy days. Some sounded believable, and I think he got some from macgyver. The two best were diffusing a nuclear bomb on a submarine, and killing a great White in the Mediterranean Sea with a pocket knife. We hired his brother who told everyone that he was full of crap and done nothing but clean in the navy. He quit within a month of his brother coming to work.
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Something that has turned me off on craft beer over the years are the craft beer "connoisseurs" one upsmanship. Anytime you mention a good beer it's "Yeah but have you tried the IPA from Big Little River Micro Crafts Brew and Ale of Colorado? Great beer out there."

Makes me want to drink Miller High Life just to spite those smug pricks.
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Something that has turned me off on craft beer over the years are the craft beer "connoisseurs" one upsmanship. Anytime you mention a good beer it's "Yeah but have you tried the IPA from Big Little River Micro Crafts Brew and Ale of Colorado? Great beer out there."

Makes me want to drink Miller High Life just to spite those smug pricks.

Between the "Oh, you haven't tried the Organic Yellow Cake Stout from the Purple Stegasaurus Brewhouse in Austin?" and the smirk if you dare order anything "mass market" makes me enjoy my High Life even more.
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Between the "Oh, you haven't tried the Organic Yellow Cake Stout from the Purple Stegasaurus Brewhouse in Austin?" and the smirk if you dare order anything "mass market" makes me enjoy my High Life even more.

I am on a Facebook messenger list that does the same thing. I love posting pictures of Schlitz/PBR/Lone Star to ruin the mood. I like beer but jeez.
I always find it entertaining to be around one uppers, sometime it's good to tell a far fetched story just to see how far they'll go.
Something that has turned me off on craft beer over the years are the craft beer "connoisseurs" one upsmanship. Anytime you mention a good beer it's "Yeah but have you tried the IPA from Big Little River Micro Crafts Brew and Ale of Colorado? Great beer out there."

Makes me want to drink Miller High Life just to spite those smug pricks.

When I ask this question I'm just seeking other opinions. I usually ask it about beer I haven't had, to be fair.

If you walk into a place that only or mostly sells craft and order flavored water I will judge you, tho.
Sort of on topic, got one upped by myself and a girl.

Went to UT and said was only going the fwb direction, was always up front with all of the girls I met and made it clear, we have fun, don't expect a call tomorrow or don't call me just to say hi or how your day was conversation kind of arrangement.

3rd year met a beautiful girl from Nashville, gave my spiel, she obliged. Month in, get a little crap from her, reiterate arrangement.

2nd month same. Middle of third I say I'm still hanging out with her and maybe I'm the idiot and need to start looking at her as girlfriend material.

Her birthday is coming up, figure the best time to approach my new found attitude with a nice gift (watch, think was around 300) and the great news.

She comes over the day before the birthday, give her the gift, small talk for few minutes then she says she has to go.

Call the next morning (knowing I want to nail down some plans for my new plan), no answer. Call later in afternoon, no answer. Call her friend, said hey, you know where she is or what you guys are doing tonight, I have a new attitude towards her and want to discuss it. SILENCE on the other end. Her friend giggles, and says " You are a little late, she told us about the watch and then told us that she is done with you, 3 months of it, she had enough."

:eek: Overplayed my hand and then truly was one upped by the new master of "the arrangement".
Sort of on topic, got one upped by myself and a girl.

Went to UT and said was only going the fwb direction, was always up front with all of the girls I met and made it clear, we have fun, don't expect a call tomorrow or don't call me just to say hi or how your day was conversation kind of arrangement.

3rd year met a beautiful girl from Nashville, gave my spiel, she obliged. Month in, get a little crap from her, reiterate arrangement.

2nd month same. Middle of third I say I'm still hanging out with her and maybe I'm the idiot and need to start looking at her as girlfriend material.

Her birthday is coming up, figure the best time to approach my new found attitude with a nice gift (watch, think was around 300) and the great news.

She comes over the day before the birthday, give her the gift, small talk for few minutes then she says she has to go.

Call the next morning (knowing I want to nail down some plans for my new plan), no answer. Call later in afternoon, no answer. Call her friend, said hey, you know where she is or what you guys are doing tonight, I have a new attitude towards her and want to discuss it. SILENCE on the other end. Her friend giggles, and says " You are a little late, she told us about the watch and then told us that she is done with you, 3 months of it, she had enough."

:eek: Overplayed my hand and then truly was one upped by the new master of "the arrangement".

Hahaha you got played, it happens to the best of us
I want to thank you guys for the stories, they're all really funny. Hopefully the thread will keep going but if not it's been a good laugh
Haha man just remembered a couple more. This idiot that lived near us in college was the biggest liar I'd met. He would say he could bench 450 in high school, I'd say let's go test that out right now at the gym and he'd say he was on roids then and had hurt stuff so he couldn't anymore. Also was recruited by a lot of schools for football but didn't think he could make the time commitment. Said he used to run bales and bales of weed in HS, lol. Slayed all kinds of girls but never even got a whiff of one when we were around. Said he patrolled his family's land with a .44 and had shot at and held trespassers at gunpoint numerous times. Had some bad ass old ford pickup that for whatever reason he left at home. We would invite him over just to listen to his tales.
I worked with a 40 something year old guy that would talk about his jobs he had over the years. I started noticing he had a bunch of jobs that were interesting jobs minor league baseball player for 8 years, etc. So I started keeping tabs on the years he worked at different places. By the time I left, 5 years later, he had accumulated 246 years of work history.
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Haha man just remembered a couple more. This idiot that lived near us in college was the biggest liar I'd met. He would say he could bench 450 in high school, I'd say let's go test that out right now at the gym and he'd say he was on roids then and had hurt stuff so he couldn't anymore. Also was recruited by a lot of schools for football but didn't think he could make the time commitment. Said he used to run bales and bales of weed in HS, lol. Slayed all kinds of girls but never even got a whiff of one when we were around. Said he patrolled his family's land with a .44 and had shot at and held trespassers at gunpoint numerous times. Had some bad ass old ford pickup that for whatever reason he left at home. We would invite him over just to listen to his tales.

Hahahha!! Knew a guy similar to that but all of his cool **** was at his papaws
Hahahha!! Knew a guy similar to that but all of his cool **** was at his papaws

It's funny because it was all total bull**** but we still asked him to come around to hear him blab. But he definitely thought we were buying it and found him impressive.

Haha I remembered he said the injury that kept him from benching 450 was because he hurt his back lifting his bad ass truck off the ground to prove how strong he was. Lol he just weaved all the bull**** together into an amazing tapestry.
I once knew a guy that spent his teenage years in CA. He swore up and down that Star Wars was in theatres there for 6 months before it released nation wide.
It's funny because it was all total bull**** but we still asked him to come around to hear him blab. But he definitely thought we were buying it and found him impressive.

Haha I remembered he said the injury that kept him from benching 450 was because he hurt his back lifting his bad ass truck off the ground to prove how strong he was. Lol he just weaved all the bull**** together into an amazing tapestry.

Wow!!! I mean stories are one thing but picking up a truck. I'm sure he could throw a football across a mountain like Uncle Rico

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