You ever get one upped?

I know one guy (just in passing) who cannot have a conversation about the weather without name dropping some rich and powerful person he is personal friends with. Dude is literally friends with the rich and famous but here we are in the same firmly middle class neighborhood.

Nice weather huh Bob? Yeah, enjoying it. Going to miss it this weekend I'm perched in Jerry Jones skybox watching the Cowboys play.
I know one guy (just in passing) who cannot have a conversation about the weather without name dropping some rich and powerful person he is personal friends with. Dude is literally friends with the rich and famous but here we are in the same firmly middle class neighborhood.

Nice weather huh Bob? Yeah, enjoying it. Going to miss it this weekend I'm perched in Jerry Jones skybox watching the Cowboys play.

I think I know his cousin Bill. Can't tell an honest story to save his life when he goes second. The secret is to get him to tell the first story and it's only 50% BS.
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I think I know his cousin Bill. Can't tell an honest story to save his life when he goes second. The secret is to get him to tell the first story and it's only 50% BS.

I know a guy named Bill. He tells stories of his dad's army days where he did all these great things. I knew his dad, wasn't in the army but maybe 3-4 years. He did it all, even moved to secret service protecting, and driving the president. I never did call him on them cause his dad died early from a heart attack. I figured it was his way of dealing with it?
Ive been one upped way worse than any of you ever have, I know that for damn sure.
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Somehow I always meet the person who worked for, hung out with, or is the cousin of a famous football player. I can never tell if their full of it or what.
After I tell someone I met Fulmer and some players at the Tn state highschool swim meet back in 2002, his daughter was a diver for Knox Catholic I think, I don't remember, but he was sitting in the stands with some players and another coach and I got him to sign my UT hat, my mom secretly had him sign a birthday card for me and I received it s few months later.

Then I get the one up stories.
What is equally as bad, is the guy that tells you the same stories, over and over and over and over.
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Somehow I always meet the person who worked for, hung out with, or is the cousin of a famous football player. I can never tell if their full of it or what.
After I tell someone I met Fulmer and some players at the Tn state highschool swim meet back in 2002, his daughter was a diver for Knox Catholic I think, I don't remember, but he was sitting in the stands with some players and another coach and I got him to sign my UT hat, my mom secretly had him sign a birthday card for me and I received it s few months later.

Then I get the one up stories.

Pfffft..... that's nothing. My mom got Fulmer to jump out of a Neyland Stadium shaped cake for my birthday. He gave everyone at the party a signed Peyton Manning #16 jersey, and a game worn helmet signed by the entire roster and coaching staff of the 98 NC team.
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Pfffft..... that's nothing. My mom got Fulmer to jump out of a Neyland Stadium shaped cake for my birthday. He gave everyone at the party a signed Peyton Manning #16 jersey, and a game worn helmet signed by the entire roster and coaching staff of the 98 NC team.

That gave me a really, really bad picture.
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My in laws are notorious about it but they do if for the dumbest things.

Like if say you're sick with a cold, one of them will say they just had the flu. If you say someone almost rear-ended you, one will claim a car almost ran over them. If you said you had a $500 hospital bill, they'll day they got one for $1000.

I've even heard them try to one up each other on near death experiences and seeing ghosts. I normally don't even respond, but the ghost story was so idiotic that I just said out loud "that didn't happen" like Billy Madison to the bus driver
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I was gonna go in to business with a guy that was a one upper and I decided to back out after the first job. It was a hvac business and he kept one upping the homeowner and I said heck with this. He was making me feel like an idiot just being associated with him.
This is mostly for the oldsters around here:

So I'm doing some work on a construction site in the mid 90s and there's this cocky loudmouth (seems like he was from New York or Philly or something, don't remember) holding court with his bs stories that the other guys seemed to be falling for completely. Didn't understand that, as he was easy to peg as the full'o'crap guy from the moment I walked onto the jobsite. But I had no inclination to call him out; it was much more entertaining to see where it would go.

Anyway, he gets to his tallest tale, asking if anyone remembered the plane that crashed into the Potomac in DC in the early 80s, and when the helicopter was trying to pull a drowning lady out of the freezing water and she kept falling off the lifeline, some random bystander dove in and swam out and rescued her. Of course we all did at that time, it had been a big news story. "Well that was me!" he said.

I remember thinking, you mean Lenny Skutnik? Lenny was a big deal when it happened. Reagan sat him next to Nancy at the State of the Union address, which started that whole practice of putting heroes in the audience for those things. This loudmouth jackass not only looked nothing like him, he wasn't named Lenny Skutnik. I remember thinking, that's some solid dumbassery to claim the fame of someone we all saw on TV in heavy coverage.

But the reaction he got was entirely, "Really? That was you?? Wow! What was it like?" They were in the presence of a bona fide hero, damnedest thing. There was this one older guy that I remember exchanging amused knowing glances with, but neither of us were about to out this guy, it was too good.

Anyway, like most of my stories, this one's anticlimactic. That's it, nothing else happened. It was just a simple lesson in how audacity can trump reason.

The End.
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Revisiting the beer discussion from earlier in the thread.

Went out last night with a couple of buddies. One of which is a self proclaimed craft beer snob. We hopped a couple of bars having a different craft at each place... until the last one. The other buddy goes to the bar orders 3 Miller High Life drafts and didn't tell craft buddy what it was. We go on talking about BS for a few minutes.

Then.. and 1/3 into his beer.... craft buddy looks up and says "This is the best beer I've had all night!"

We about fell out laughing. He will never live that one down.
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My favorites when I was in the military was always how much money they made before they joined and how much of a stud at sports they were in HS. Had a guy tell me one time he averaged 35pts a game in the NY City League prior to joining. Said all the big schools wanted him. Yea we got into some intramural league and he didn't even start. I'll be the 1st to tell you I was no basketball stud at any point in my life (I could shoot and I hustled my ass off) and this guy was worse than me. We made fun of him so much he eventually quit playing on our team. We would call him Kenny Anderson and ask him if he dominated at Rucker park.

Move forward 6 years and I saw him again in a gym in Virginia, I think he shart himself when I walked in. I immediately asked if he was still averaging 35 a game

I had a kid in my platoon awhile back say he was offered a full ride to pitch at Florida State. Said he wanted to join the Army instead though after 9-11. Wasn't the most athletic kid.
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Great stories all.

It would be a crime to live your whole life and never see this video.

(The quality of the video itself isn't one-upping anything, but it's the only one with just this closing segment that in my opinion perfectly captures the essence of this blight of human nature we're discussing, "one-upmanship.")

Without further ado:


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Great stories all.

It would be a crime to live your whole life and never see this video.

(The quality of the video itself isn't one-upping anything, but it's the only one with just this closing segment that in my opinion perfectly captures the essence of this blight of human nature we're discussing, "one-upmanship.")

Without further ado:



Great video... :crazy:
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I work in construction and let's just say this industry is natorious for having workers that have "done it all."

Same here. Got a coon-ass that works with us. Stands about 5'3", claims to have had a 98 mph fastball in high school. I can only visualize and laugh thinking about the wind up.
Same here. Got a coon-ass that works with us. Stands about 5'3", claims to have had a 98 mph fastball in high school. I can only visualize and laugh thinking about the wind up.

Ed O?
This is me at my promotion ceremony to Command Sky Marshall First Class (Jet Division)

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