That is good also. I haven't watched that in a while, I need to.
I'm not the only person who gets "2 of these are not like the others" logic.
Even in the movie forum you're weird.
Highlighting those two didn't warrant an oh my god. It made no sense there. A question mark would have sufficed. I wasn't the only to notice.
Don't be weird outside the politics forum as well as in. Thanks.
Most here know Dallas likes terrible movies. My emphasis of the two decent movies is a joke to people who know Dallas.
You don't get the joke so you go full nosey church lady and try to tell people how to behave.
Best quote of the whole thing.
"You just shot an unarmed man!"
"Well, he should have armed himself."
Other equally brilliant quotes.
"Yeah kid...You killed the hell out of him"
"Kid..we all got it comin"
"Yeah I killed women and children..Hell I've killed just about everything that lived and breathed at one time or another"
I can't make up my mind which scene from Tombstone is my favorite. I love the last ten minutes of Unforgiven also.
Little Bill's deputies made Storm Troopers look like expert marksmen in the climactic shootout at Greeley's. I guess the one armed guy has an excuse but damn that fat guy was a lousy shot.