How did ya'll become grizzly fans, anyhow? I know its not the connection to Vancouver, obviously.
I've always been under the assumption that UofT fans considered Memphis to be de facto Mississippi.
Is it just because the team is in state, or is it something more?
Believe me, I'm not trying to offend. I understand Memphis has a legendary street ball history, and all that..but who are you guys, and why do you root for the grizz?
I'm from Oak Ridge, which is in East Tennessee. I grew up thinking Memphis sucks, like everyone else in the Eastern part of the state. My wife and I met at UT and we ended up moving to Memphis. Local show had a call-in contest to help rename the Grizz. I called in and said they should be called the Memphis Chapter 13s. Only call they took..
Soon after, I realized how cool this city really is. Nothing like my expectations. Decided to watch a few Grizz games and it's been history ever since. I get third row tickets from my company often enough to keep me happy.
I liked the NBA was back in the Penny Hardaway/Grandmama days(Hornets and Magic were cool back when I was a kid). I lost interest for a good while. I got back into the NBA when Memphis got the Grizz.
Why, though? Was it just because it was a team in TN, or something more? Any connection to Memphis?
A LOT of vol fans have 0 connection to the west side of the state, and can't really understand it.
I'm not saying I have any bias against Memphis, but it has always been so far away, and really doesn't seem like the same culture.
Maybe we should be more inclusive, and more proud of our diverse culture, I don't know.
I identify only with East Tennessee.
And if you "identify" with east TN, why the hell are you a OKC fan?
That makes less sense than a Tennessean being a fan of the Grizz.
Every city in this state is unique in it's own way. Memphis is the most different from the other 3. I grew up not appreciating Memphis and never really appreciated it until my later teen years. Most of the East Tennesseans are ignorant about Memphis, sorry to say. And I will go on the record and say that Memphis is a lot more fun than Knoxville, with the exception of 6-8 Saturdays. Knoxville is a fun place to visit and I love East TN and it's beauty.