Your Realistic Predictions for 2013?



Obviously, ESPN HATES US!
Oct 5, 2007
Here is my "Do-able but who knows?" schedule for this season.
Personally I consider this season a write off with "hopefully" a bowl appearance.
With the way the recruiting class is shaping up, 2014 and 2015 could be very good!

Austin Peay - W
W. Ky - W
Oregon - L
Florida - L
S. AL - W
GA - ?
SC - ?
AL - L
Mizzou - ?
Auburn - W
Vandy - W
Ky - W

Obviously this is all speculation and we have alot of questions, but 6 wins is certainly do-able, and a "surprise" win against any of the 3 ? teams would be huge!

Now flame away without mercy in the great Volnation tradition! :)

I know it's early, but I honestly believe that week 3 will be the key to the entire season. I'm not ready to give up hope for an outstanding season until after that game. If Oregon runs over my beloved Vols, mediocrity will be the best hope. If THE BIG ORANGE surprise the ducks, the sky is suddenly the limit. Momentum is so important in football -- particularly in climbing the ladder to success.
My prediction we wont have to be watering bamboo or lookin for Rommel.We can get back to playing football.:rock:
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Asking fans on a team board to post their "reasonable" predictions is akin to taking me to a strip club and telling me not to get any dances from the girl with the big ol' ....
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Well this has already been asked 500 times and I've already posted my predictions, but what the hell I'll take the bait.

vs Austin Peay (W) 1-0
vs WKU (W) 2-0
at Oregon (L) 2-1
at Florida (L) 2-2
vs South Bama (W) 3-2
vs Georgia (L) 3-3
vs South Carolina (L) 3-4
at Alabama (L) 3-5
at Missouri (W) 4-5
vs Auburn (W) 5-5
vs Vanderbilt (W) 6-5
at Kentucky (W) 7-5
Bowl game Win - 8-5

That's being extremely optimistic, IMO. At Missouri is no cupcake, ask Georgia. They didn't pull away until the 4th quarter. Also, Auburn is no cupcake either. They have way more talent than us and half the SEC, they just lacked the coaching. If they have that coaching this year, they could be a 9 win team.
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Here is my "Do-able but who knows?" schedule for this season.
Personally I consider this season a write off with "hopefully" a bowl appearance.
With the way the recruiting class is shaping up, 2014 and 2015 could be very good!

Austin Peay - W
W. Ky - W
Oregon - L
Florida - L
S. AL - W
GA - ?
SC - ?
AL - L
Mizzou - ?
Auburn - W
Vandy - W
Ky - W

Obviously this is all speculation and we have alot of questions, but 6 wins is certainly do-able, and a "surprise" win against any of the 3 ? teams would be huge!

Now flame away without mercy in the great Volnation tradition! :)


a little early. based on current knowledge, 4-6 win team.. somewhere in that neighborhood.. too little experience and too much newness to adapt to.
Austin Peay - W
W. Ky - W
Oregon - L
Florida - L
S. AL - W
GA - L
SC - L
AL - L
Mizzou - W
Auburn - L
Vandy - L
Ky - W

5 wins, vandy hasn't gotten any worse and we don't have offensive fire power, Auburn has been undercoached, talent is not an issue and I believe they have a staff that will coach and win some ball games.
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I wholeheartedly endorse viewing the world through unapologetically orange-tinted lenses and support steadfast optimism. My take on realistic expectations for this season, however, would include the following:

(1) 6-7 regular season wins.

(2) A significant reduction in offensive productivity, at least in terms of scoring and YPG, and a corresponding improvement in defensive performance. Posting defensive numbers in the range of what we accomplished under Wilcox is not an unrealistic goal. Precisely where the statistical balance lies between those two projections is anybody’s guess at this point. Given our inexperience at most offensive skill positions, the best overall solution, given the strength of our offensive line, should be to rely heavily on the infantry, particularly as our young quarterbacks gain experience under fire.

(3) Better team chemistry and player leadership. Butch has made competition (on and off the field), team building, personal accountability, and the development of player leadership major points of emphasis, both from a strategic and motivational perspective. Those qualities will pay dividends in the fourth quarter when fatigue is setting in.

(4) Better disciplined play and a much better-conditioned team. Butch has said repeatedly that one of his goals is to play at a pace that fatigues the opponent physically and psychologically. As the old saying goes, fatigue makes cowards of us all and better conditioning can partially offset disparities in overall talent. If Butch is largely successful in honing that mental toughness, it should also mainfest itself in a more consistent, "fight-to-the-finish" attitude.

(5) Much better coaching. Dooley was the source of unending criticism, much of it deserved, but, as bad as things played out over the course of last season, there were still a remarkable number of games there for the taking in the fourth quarter. Between inopportune turnovers by Bray and porous defensive play, we did not take advantage of any of those opportunities. If Butch has the same number of chances to pull out a fourth-quarter win, he WILL snatch a victory that, “on paper,” we should not have obtained.
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Asking fans on a team board to post their "reasonable" predictions is akin to taking me to a strip club and telling me not to get any dances from the girl with the big ol' ....

If this is a fill in the blank and you are asking me to guess what a gator fan would say...

I will go with "belly".

or "gut"

Adjusting for talent and attrition, this season should be 7-5 objectively.

Austin Peay - W
Western Kentucky - W
Oregon - L (but closer talent wise than many think)
Florida - L
South Alabama - W
Bama - L
Mizzou - W
Auburn - L
Vandy - W
Kentucky - W

I wouldn't be surprised to see a L where I have a win and a W where I have a loss, but the end result is a 7-5 season.

And, for those who think that our talent levels are too low, I have broken down the roster for each team in the east accounting for attrition (but not including the 2013 class):

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Austin Peay - W
W. Ky - W
Oregon - L
Florida - L
S. AL - W
GA - L
SC - L
AL - L
Mizzou - W
Auburn - W
Vandy - W
Ky - W

7-5. Back to bowling.
Austin Peay - W
Western Kentucky - W
Oregon - L (I would love to predict an upset here, and I hope we can be Oregon's wakeup call)
Florida - L (Florida likes to play down to competition and are slow starters, this one could be close with good levels of grit)
South Alabama - W
UGA - W (Georgia is a great team, but they do terrible with high expectations)
SCAR - L (Tennessee is in the middle of 3 straight road games for SC, they may be road weary.)
Bama - L
Mizzou - W
Auburn - W (Auburn as the worst team in the SEC last year, and many do not project them to be much better this year)
Vandy - W (I feel this will be Franklin's first of many butt hurt years, when the rug gets pulled out from under him.)
Kentucky - W (Kentucky is still Kentucky)

MY prediction says 8-4 and my gut says 7-5. We have experience in the trenches and need to use it, I believe we will be in every game until late. We have a coach that has players believing they can win and has them more than willing to give everything they have to make sure they have that very chance.
I will NEVER predict my beloved Vols to lose a single game! We go 14-0 on the way to our first of 7 straight SEC and National Championships. The BIG UGLIES GET IT DONE IN THE TRENCHES! Go Vols! Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! I can't wait for FOOTBALL TIME IN TENNESSEE! WE gonna whip all dey azzes! Go Vols!

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