Zelensky signs a media regulation

Expands gov control over media that would hurt freedom of the press. No wonder you libtards love him so much.

Zelensky Signs Controversial News Media Regulation

All we have done is created more oligarchs with the billions of dollars that we have sent them . We will pay a price for it later but for now it’s one of the best money making scams on the planet for them , our politicians and our DoD contractors . Besides Climate Change it has to be the most lucrative gig out there at the moment.
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Maybe some press could use a little restriction, just look at all the hogwash Fox News puts out.
All we have done is created more oligarchs with the billions of dollars that we have sent them . We will pay a price for it later but for now it’s one of the best money making scams on the planet for them , our politicians and our DoD contractors . Besides Climate Change it has to be the most lucrative gig out there at the moment.
And these oligarchs have political ambitions.
Just be happy we have the Bill of Rights limiting government. This isn’t good legislation nor is it good in the EU where other legislation limiting speech has been adopted.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Zelensky signs media law criticized by journalist groups as authoritarian

The Ukrainian authorities argued that the law aims to bring Ukrainian legislation in line with EU law and fight Russian propaganda.

Media reform is one of the EU's conditions for starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the bloc. The EU wanted Ukraine to adopt legislation to fight the influence of vested interests on the media.

However, the bill has been criticized by journalist organizations as an attempt to introduce censorship. The authorities have denied the accusation.

The law dramatically expands the media regulator's powers and gives it the authority to shut down news sites that are not officially registered as media without a court ruling.
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Maybe some press could use a little restriction, just look at all the hogwash Fox News puts out.
Liberals 30 years ago championed the 1st Amendment right to say "Pop that *" and "Me So Horny" on wax. But today, if you talk counter to the popular narratives about C-19, Ukraine, Hunter Biden's laptop, etc... now liberals want to engage in censorship and book burning.
While I hope Russia loses the war, because we do not need an emboldened Russia, the Ukrainian people will eventually grow to hate Zelensky. The corruption will never get fixed, and they will overall get less free over time.
Liberals 30 years ago championed the 1st Amendment right to say "Pop that *" and "Me So Horny" on wax. But today, if you talk counter to the popular narratives about C-19, Ukraine, Hunter Biden's laptop, etc... now liberals want to engage in censorship and book burning.

it’s amazing how far my party has fallen in such a short time.
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Anyone who supported the massive increase in U.S. government power when four planes were hijacked in 2001 probably shouldn't be pointed figures at Zelensky.

Give me a break.
Anyone who supported the massive increase in U.S. government power when four planes were hijacked in 2001 probably shouldn't be pointed figures at Zelensky.

Give me a break.
Your political party along with neocons are still supporting that massive increase in power to this day.

And there's a reason democrats and neocons both openly support Zelensky. They wish to implement the totalitarianism in Ukraine here in the U.S.
While I hope Russia loses the war, because we do not need an emboldened Russia, the Ukrainian people will eventually grow to hate Zelensky. The corruption will never get fixed, and they will overall get less free over time.
I don't understand this logic. Since when has Russia ever been a threat to the United States? Serious question.

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