Zelensky signs a media regulation

I don't understand this logic. Since when has Russia ever been a threat to the United States? Serious question.
Excellent question.
After WW2 up until the late 80s. And, I would argue the threat actually decreased each decade following WW2 until Russia collapsed. The issue is America adopted a philosophy or world protector against the evils of expanding communism.
We need to re calibrate this philosophy.
Excellent question.
After WW2 up until the late 80s. And, I would argue the threat actually decreased each decade following WW2 until Russia collapsed. The issue is America adopted a philosophy or world protector against the evils of expanding communism.
We need to re calibrate this philosophy.

We need a bogeyman so people on each side can say "My guy is tough on ______." and "Your guy is soft on ______." or "Look at the treaty my guy got from ______." or "How could your guy ever make a deal with _____?!" when both sides are pretty indistinguishable in how they treat ______.
We need a bogeyman so people on each side can say "My guy is tough on ______." and "Your guy is soft on ______." or "Look at the treaty my guy got from ______." or "How could your guy ever make a deal with _____?!" when both sides are pretty indistinguishable in how they treat ______.
Truth. Fear is a much easier much more ambiguous rhetoric point.
And there's a reason democrats and neocons both openly support Zelensky. They wish to implement the totalitarianism in Ukraine here in the U.S.
If you don't think the GOP would do what Zelensky has done, or more, if missiles were raining down on US cities, then you are either too young to remember 9/11, or have completely memory holed it
I don't understand this logic. Since when has Russia ever been a threat to the United States? Serious question.

When they threaten allies, they threaten to embroil us in a hot war with them. With their wings clipped, they will be less likely to invade other European countries.
Thanks! Remind me how CNN and MSNBC faired with the Russian Collusion, Hunter laptop and Steele Dossier 24/7 coverage? That’s right, low ratings and firings.

CNN and MSNBC are probably secretly praying for a return of Trump to the White House so that they can boost their terrible ratings.
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When they threaten allies, they threaten to embroil us in a hot war with them. With their wings clipped, they will be less likely to invade other European countries.

They are struggling with Ukraine,..they aint taking on NATO..other than nuclear response.
For those that say Putin is the Devil..well he has the capacity to unleash hell on Earth.
Taken in context of the past 7 years and all this anti Russian Trump Biden shot....it makes me feel very every uneasy what comes out of this, especially since Ukraine is not centric to our national security. In fact with this added debt, makes us less secure, just like Iraq and Afgahanistan.
Why is it Ukraine is so important these days? Been at our forefront for 5 years now.
This anti Russia narrative for 7 years is like programming.
Yea..**** Putin..but really.
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If you don't think the GOP would do what Zelensky has done, or more, if missiles were raining down on US cities, then you are either too young to remember 9/11, or have completely memory holed it
If missiles ever rain down on US cities the gov has failed and should’ve been over thrown. As far as Zelenskyy goes, he’s a Putin starter kit and yet smooth brains continue to love him.
They are struggling with Ukraine,..they aint taking on NATO..other than nuclear response.
For those that say Putin is the Devil..well he has the capacity to unleash hell on Earth.
Taken in context of the past 7 years and all this anti Russian Trump Biden shot....it makes me feel very every uneasy what comes out of this, especially since Ukraine is not centric to our national security. In fact with this added debt, makes us less secure, just like Iraq and Afgahanistan.

I see that angle as well for for sure.
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Does anyone have the actual penalties/regulations? The article linked above only had a link to a facebook post written in a Cyrillic language and the google translate of that was pretty much the first draft of the article, also without specifics.

Forgive me for not jumping onto media propaganda without given specifics.
Could care less about what Ukraine does.

I do care about the billions of taxpayers dollars being sent there.
Bingo. This is Europe's war, yet we're involved in it.

People supporting our involvement simultaneously say Russia both is and isn't an actual threat. So we need to ask why we're sending billions there to a corrupt government in a country where our corrupt politicians (on both sides!) happen to have familial (and other) "investments".

American politicians are using Ukraine to launder taxpayer dollars to themselves. Leftoids wanted a transfer of wealth. Now they're getting it.
Anyone who supported the massive increase in U.S. government power when four planes were hijacked in 2001 probably shouldn't be pointed figures at Zelensky.

Give me a break.
Maybe some of them now realize the mistake and don’t wish to repeat it.

I can dream
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So no one knows what actual regulations we are freaking out over?

I at least want to know what actual crimes were committed before I rule someone guilty.

It shouldnt be hard to provide, and is a really low bar to hurdle. Come on, where are the fans of truth and haters of all things Zelensky? You guys have to be able to provide the actual issues.
Expands gov control over media that would hurt freedom of the press. No wonder you libtards love him so much.
Zelensky Signs Controversial News Media Regulation

Trump did the same thing, he Putized the press by fake newsing it, and promoting alternate factism broadcasters such as Fox, Newsmax, One America News, all who spewed Trump official lies. Your it's OK for US to do it but not for YOU to do it is nothing new. What the book says: There is none good, no not one.
Trump did the same thing, he Putized the press by fake newsing it, and promoting alternate factism broadcasters such as Fox, Newsmax, One America News, all who spewed Trump official lies. Your it's OK for US to do it but not for YOU to do it is nothing new. What the book says: There is none good, no not one.
Trump signed legislation that limited the 1st Amendment/freedom of press?
I'll never understand why on VN I couldn't make fun of Ben Shapiro for not being able to please his wife but you can call other posters this all day.

Because your assertion about Shapiro is ridiculous conjecture and makes you look lame and petty just like all the other liberals.
Trump signed legislation that limited the 1st Amendment/freedom of press?

Naw, he stifled it with dictatorial power. You know it, just rerouting words to duck the truth as usual. Waste of time talking with you about it.

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