Zelensky signs a media regulation

I’m not familiar with how Trump stifled the media. I was hoping you could fill me in.

I may do that when I'm convinced I'm not being suckered into providing a response only to see it ignored, and the topic directed to an irrelevant detour. Or the reply is just another insult, or auto-rejection of a bona fide source. Played that game one too many times. Ain't playing it anymore. My conclusion is people more and more don't want the truth, they prefer lies. So, I figure, let them have their lies. Over and out.
I may do that when I'm convinced I'm not being suckered into providing a response only to see it ignored, and the topic directed to an irrelevant detour. Or the reply is just another insult, or auto-rejection of a bona fide source. Played that game one too many times. Ain't playing it anymore. My conclusion is people more and more don't want the truth, they prefer lies. So, I figure, let them have their lies. Over and out.

I want the truth. I can handle the truth. Give me the truth.
I may do that when I'm convinced I'm not being suckered into providing a response only to see it ignored, and the topic directed to an irrelevant detour. Or the reply is just another insult, or auto-rejection of a bona fide source. Played that game one too many times. Ain't playing it anymore. My conclusion is people more and more don't want the truth, they prefer lies. So, I figure, let them have their lies. Over and out.
I know what you mean. There are more than a handful of posters on here who I refuse to answer any questions they ask because of the reasons you listed above.
I may do that when I'm convinced I'm not being suckered into providing a response only to see it ignored, and the topic directed to an irrelevant detour. Or the reply is just another insult, or auto-rejection of a bona fide source. Played that game one too many times. Ain't playing it anymore. My conclusion is people more and more don't want the truth, they prefer lies. So, I figure, let them have their lies. Over and out.
Or as I see it, media manipulation or appeasement manipulation.
I may do that when I'm convinced I'm not being suckered into providing a response only to see it ignored, and the topic directed to an irrelevant detour. Or the reply is just another insult, or auto-rejection of a bona fide source. Played that game one too many times. Ain't playing it anymore. My conclusion is people more and more don't want the truth, they prefer lies. So, I figure, let them have their lies. Over and out.

Well why are you here or would you'd rather counter punch others posts only, then cut and run when you post has been responded to?
Well why are you here or would you'd rather counter punch others posts only, then cut and run when you post has been responded to?

Well, as I once told you Trumpines before, you are excellent material for a book I'm collaborating on. Thank you for the material you provide.

Why, I do declare! You made a video of your biography! Is it factual, or Trumpine style fake news? In any case, it's marginally amusing, mostly because somehow you hired Peter Dinklage to portray you in the video. Was the money you used to pay him, legally tender or an under funded Trump-loan?
Soooooo. I still havent seen what these Zelensky regulations are? I would figure with them being so terrible someone would be able to actually provide some text or specifics.....

Bueller, Bueller.
I know what you mean. There are more than a handful of posters on here who I refuse to answer any questions they ask because of the reasons you listed above.
Surely you can provide a link to the actual regulations that are so terrible. Come on, now's your chance to rub our faces in the exact ways Zelensky is a Nazi. I would think you guys would be happy to provide the actual regulations so that we know what we are supposed to be upset over.

The main reason you dont provide links is because you learned that people will read them, apply critical thinking, and not come to the same conclusion you did off of some clickbaity Zero Hedge title.

Come on, I have been asking for the examples for about a week now. Surely your google searches dont take that long.

You want me to be upset over something. So you need to provide what I am actually supposed to be upset over.
Surely you can provide a link to the actual regulations that are so terrible. Come on, now's your chance to rub our faces in the exact ways Zelensky is a Nazi. I would think you guys would be happy to provide the actual regulations so that we know what we are supposed to be upset over.

The main reason you dont provide links is because you learned that people will read them, apply critical thinking, and not come to the same conclusion you did off of some clickbaity Zero Hedge title.

Come on, I have been asking for the examples for about a week now. Surely your google searches dont take that long.

You want me to be upset over something. So you need to provide what I am actually supposed to be upset over.
LMAO. This is good one right here.

I have posted plenty of links. Parroting western propaganda does not mean you are applying critical thinking skills.
LMAO. This is good one right here.

I have posted plenty of links. Parroting western propaganda does not mean you are applying critical thinking skills.
Not in this thread you havent. What Nazi level regulations did Zelensky enact?
It doesn’t matter. Putin is clearly a dictator, so the pro Russian camp has to pretend Zelensky is just as bad.
He very well could be. I would want to see what he does during peace before I cast too many stones.

I at least want to know the exact charges before I condemn the man.

So far their proof of Nazism is some street names. If its that level of Nazi regulation, I wont waste my effort being upset over this. If its actual Nazi stuff then that is something to look into.

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