Zero Tolerance Follies

Even if it was this?


If it was this, then we would all understand!

Not sure if this belongs in the Gun Fun thread or this one, but...

7-year-old punished at school for bringing in souvenir shell casing |

“The principal proceeded to reprimand him as though he were bringing live ammunition to school. I understand that’s in the policy, in the handbook, that they can’t bring guns to school, I fully support that, but it’s an empty blank casing,” Falke added.

Zane’s teacher took the shell casing, and took him to the principal’s office. Falke says they told Zane he could be suspended from school for 10 days, but instead gave him a silent lunch where he sat by himself, and missed two recesses.
I'm glad the majority of the zero tolerance (or intelligence) policies came along after I finished primary and secondary schooling - I honestly don't think I would make it through as a kid today.
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If it's not one thing, it's something else:

Mom Says She Was 'Lunch Shamed' by School for Packing Oreos for Daughter - ABC News

Leeza Pearson was out of fruit and vegetables one day last week, so she tucked a pack of Oreos in her daughter Natalee's lunch and sent her off to school at the Children's Academy in Aurora, Colorado.

Pearson said she was stunned when her 4-year-old came home later in the day with the cookies untouched and a sternly worded note from the school.

"Dear Parents, it is very important that all students have a nutritious lunch. This is a public school setting and all children are required to have a fruit, a vegetable and a healthy snack from home, along with a milk. If they have potatoes, the child will also need bread to go along with it. Lunchables, chips, fruit snacks, and peanut butter are not considered to be a healthy snack. This is a very important part of our program and we need everyone's participation," read the note, provided to ABC News by Pearson.

"I think it is definitely over the top, especially because they told her she can't eat what is in her lunch," Pearson told ABC News. "They should have at least allowed to eat her food and contacted me to explain the policy and tell me not to pack them again."

Something criminal about not having Oreos at any age...
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Parents were ask to send cookies or chips to my grandsons public school last week to have snacks for Tcap week.
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The PC crowd is amusing sometimes.

Boo! Connecticut school district cancels Halloween | Fox News

Children in one Connecticut town could find themselves all dressed up for Halloween with no place to go, after the district banned parades for fear they would exclude kids who didn't want to take part in the celebration.

The decision by Milford school officials to ban all Halloween parades at the elementary schools across the district has parents moaning, according to the Connecticut Post.

In addition to the parades being canceled, students are forbidden from wearing costumes. The district also warned faculty that all activities be “fall-themed, not Halloween, and food is not an option.”
The fun never stops...

'Star Wars' T-shirt lands 7th grader in hot water at Texas school | Fox News

A Texas 7th grader said he was forced to cover up his T-shirt depicting a wartime soldier holding a gun. Specifically, that would be a Stormtrooper holding a “rebel blaster” on a "Star Wars" T-shirt.

“It’s political correctness run amok,” the student’s father, Joe Southern, told KTRK. “You’re talking about a "Star Wars" T-shirt, a week before the biggest movie of the year comes out. It has nothing to do with guns or making a stand. It’s just a "Star Wars" shirt.”

This one I can see. What about the kid that comes to school with his favorite rapper holding a gun. I don't have a huge problem with the dress codes. My daughter was told that she couldn't wear a shirt from a charity event for Ronald McDonald house because one of the sponsors was a bar. It seems stupid, but sometimes there just has to be a bright line rule for kids.
This one I can see. What about the kid that comes to school with his favorite rapper holding a gun. I don't have a huge problem with the dress codes. My daughter was told that she couldn't wear a shirt from a charity event for Ronald McDonald house because one of the sponsors was a bar. It seems stupid, but sometimes there just has to be a bright line rule for kids.

Dude, it's Star Wars...
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Dude, it's Star Wars...

And as an adult that distinction can be made. My daughter is in 7th grade and if they are given an inch they take a mile. Middle school teachers and administration essentially have to herd cats for three years. Bright line rules are much easier to enforce at that age.
And as an adult that distinction can be made. My daughter is in 7th grade and if they are given an inch they take a mile. Middle school teachers and administration essentially have to herd cats for three years. Bright line rules are much easier to indoctrinate at that age.

And as an adult that distinction can be made. My daughter is in 7th grade and if they are given an inch they take a mile. Middle school teachers and administration essentially have to herd cats for three years. Bright line rules are much easier to enforce at that age.

That was actually my short way of saying...

If one is so hyper-sensitive that a fictional universe scares/offends them, they seriously need psychiatric help. Unless one has been under a rock for almost the past three decades, they know Star Wars is fictional. And furthermore, that doesn't do any more to promote violence than a great many things.

If schools are so hyper-sensitive that a Pop Tart offends them, they need serious psychiatric help. If a t-shirt promoting the military causes their hyper-sensitive feelings to make them want to go to a safe place, they need serious psychiatric help.

If one is so hyper-****ing-sensitive a t-shirt celebrating a worthy cause with a fully legitimate sponsor offends them, they need serious psychiatric help. Now if that shirt was promoting alcohol consumption in any way, shape or form, I could see that. But if you are telling me this zero tolerance nonsense covers a name alone, it's gone way too far.

You say give kids an inch and they will take a mile. Might I suggest that same pattern works with the school administrators...
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That was actually my short way of saying...

If one is so hyper-sensitive that a fictional universe scares/offends them, they seriously need psychiatric help. Unless one has been under a rock for almost the past three decades, they know Star Wars is fictional. And furthermore, that doesn't do any more to promote violence than a great many things.

If schools are so hyper-sensitive that a Pop Tart offends them, they need serious psychiatric help. If a t-shirt promoting the military causes their hyper-sensitive feelings to make them want to go to a safe place, they need serious psychiatric help.

If one is so hyper-****ing-sensitive a t-shirt celebrating a worthy cause with a fully legitimate sponsor offends them, they need serious psychiatric help. Now if that shirt was promoting alcohol consumption in any way, shape or form, I could see that. But if you are telling me this zero tolerance nonsense covers a name alone, it's gone way too far.

You say give kids an inch and they will take a mile. Might I suggest that same pattern works with the school administrators...

The pop tart thing is insane.

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