Zero Tolerance Follies

Not sure if this is deserving of it's own thread. But it'll probably tickle LG pink.

A D.C. public school gave a sixth grade class a homework assignment that required students to draw comparisons between former President George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler.

The parent, who asked not to be named, said when he called the school office to complain he was told that the assignment was part of a curriculum unit approved by the school system. He said his sixth-grader’s class had been studying both the Holocaust
and the Iraq war.

Love how the school said it was a "mistake." You make a mistake writing the wrong year on a check or cooking a chicken too long. A conscious effort to have middle school children compare a US President and Hitler? Not buying it was a mistake...
Not sure if this is deserving of it's own thread. But it'll probably tickle LG pink.

Love how the school said it was a "mistake." You make a mistake writing the wrong year on a check or cooking a chicken too long. A conscious effort to have middle school children compare a US President and Hitler? Not buying it was a mistake...

You know the teacher was an ultra liberal no account pansy that came up with that assignment.
Not sure if this is deserving of it's own thread. But it'll probably tickle LG pink.

Love how the school said it was a "mistake." You make a mistake writing the wrong year on a check or cooking a chicken too long. A conscious effort to have middle school children compare a US President and Hitler? Not buying it was a mistake...

Indoctrination and handouts, that's how you build a liberal voting base.
Not sure if this is deserving of it's own thread. But it'll probably tickle LG pink.

Love how the school said it was a "mistake." You make a mistake writing the wrong year on a check or cooking a chicken too long. A conscious effort to have middle school children compare a US President and Hitler? Not buying it was a mistake...

That's just straight indoctrination.

Army officer told he cannot enter his daughter's school while we - Fox 2 News Headlines

ROCHESTER, Mich. (WJBK) - Lieutenant Colonel Sherwood Baker says he is just a father who was trying to help his daughter find her way at her new high school.
Lt... Baker has served in the Army for 24 years. This past week he was told by Rochester Adams high school security that if he wanted to get into the high school with his daughter he was going to have to go home and change his clothes.

Baker's wife, Rachel Ferhadson says, "Before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said sorry your not allowed in the school. Security told him men and women in uniform weren't allowed because it may offend another student."
You hope there is something missing in that story.

If not, Im speechless.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You hope there is something missing in that story.

If not, Im speechless.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The principal said it wasn't policy.

But the main point being that someone took it upon themselves to make that determination in the first place.
Not allowing the father into the school with his army uniform on is stupid sh!t like this that the liberal mind has changed America for the worst. I read on that a principal out in California banned free chick-fil-la sandwiches to the school to help boost money from the sales for the football team's equipment cost. But because the principal thinks that the food chain is still against gay rights he/she would not allow them on campus w/the sandwiches but the principal is misinformed on that belief.
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Can kids play Cowboys and Indians anymore?

Most certainly not. Raising a finger and yelling "POW" will definitely earn you a trip to the local jail and an automatic suspension. In addition, referring to a Native as an Injun will result in mandatory sensitivity, diversity, and inclusiveness training.
If I were a teacher and had a student drawing a BOMB, it most certainly would have raised a red flag in my mind.

Rhett Parham, inspired by his favorite video game, Bomberman, drew a picture of the explosive and showed it to friends

Read more: Autistic boy suspended from South Carolina middle school for drawing cartoonish picture of bomb - NY Daily News

Can't draw a bomb but can play a game where the "hero" is Bomberman. Awesome.

Honestly, that bomb looks like the one Boris Badenov uses

Can't draw a bomb but can play a game where the "hero" is Bomberman. Awesome.

Honestly, that bomb looks like the one Boris Badenov uses


All of those violent games that Hollywood poisons people's minds with are part of the problem. I hope, though, students are not playing these violent video games in the class room.
All of those violent games that Hollywood poisons people's minds with are part of the problem. I hope, though, students are not playing these violent video games in the class room.

Amen brother. In my house, we went and redacted most of the bible just to get rid of all the violent parts.
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