Does "if healthy" include Fellows?
I believe if we had everyone healthy and we played a perfect game we could beat ND, if they played a perfect game and out of 10 games with USC we would split. However, our perfect game against the perfect games of UM and
I believe we can only go on the health factor, not the bolting for the draft factor. Else, we would have to give USC Bush and White...To take that one step further...
If we still had Harrell and Inky, and if Tony McDaniel and Rob Smith hadn't bolted to the NFL... at a minimum our line play would have been better - and that is what cost us our losses... if, if, if...
I am glad that your post doesn't lack perspective. Oh, and this post of mine, doesn't lack sarcasm.Could we beat those teams?? With this Coach? No way! We just barely beat tthe Univeristy of Kentucky, in FOOTBALL. 410 total offense agianst UT?? What do you guys think a real team would do? Talent wise, we have some of the best, but it's a shame to see them not prosper into what they could be. I'm glad we won, but come on! 17-12 AT HOME!
Yeah that's right, the buzzards.........I can't believe you guys are comfortable with another piss poor performance.
Where did I say the only reason we didn't kill UK was because of injuries? I thought we played horribly today. I thought Ainge missed some key throws, WRs dropped some key passes, and our defense missed a lot of tackles. I was unaware that any team could have off days? I guess since Tosu only beat Illinois by 7, then Tosu is overrated?Oh, good one.............So much insight to your posts as well. Yes the only reasons we don't kill loser teams like Kentucky is injuries, yeah.........that's it, I hope it's a fun place in your world of denial. If you're satisfied with an escape win over the worst defense in the SEC, than keep on keeping on! Fulmer rocks! So do you think we'll win the Peach Bowl?