'10 AR RB Michael Dyer

Dyer had a radio interview yesterday and listed his favorites as Auburn 1. and Tenn 1a.

It was a big let down for Arky fans, their entire board was listening to it live on the net and found out they were third behind UT and Aub

Dyer/Mosely interview
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I feel like Dyer had really cooled on us over the summer, but then out of nowhere we are option 1A!? I think Orgeron is making a hard push since he is trying to make a decision before football season. If we've already made up that much ground already, who knows! I think if we get Mosley offered and keep Orgeron hot on their heels we can pull both away from the Barn
I feel like Dyer had really cooled on us over the summer, but then out of nowhere we are option 1A!? I think Orgeron is making a hard push since he is trying to make a decision before football season. If we've already made up that much ground already, who knows! I think if we get Mosley offered and keep Orgeron hot on their heels we can pull both away from the Barn
I wonder if he plans to graduate early. If so, he has every chance of getting into the top 2 by next fall....battling it out with Oku and Poole for the #2 guy (a tandem with BB). Toney Williams probably won't be full speed until fall camp, if that early.
I don't think we've offered Mosely, but he really likes us.

If we offered I would guess we would lead, or atleast be right up at the top.
I just watched the video, and where does he say that Auburn and UT are 1 and 1a. I must have missed it.
It looks like I'm going to get to see the kid in action once this season maybe twice. He comes to Hot Springs to play at the beginning of October and I have kids at Lakeside so we may head up to Little Rock to see him for his homecoming game. Looking forward to it...
I would rather see UT get him instead of the Barn. I think they get one good RB for 2010, but not 3 like many in plains believe.
I expect it will come down to UT and Auburn, and who does better on the field. I fully expect us to outperform Auburn this year, so I think we get Dyer's signature come NSD. If both programs are down then Arkansas may sneak in
I expect it will come down to UT and Auburn, and who does better on the field. I fully expect us to outperform Auburn this year, so I think we get Dyer's signature come NSD. If both programs are down then Arkansas may sneak in

I dont mean to like call u out or anything but we will NOT have a down year... not saying you think we will just pointing that out....
Harrison Mosley posted on Coach O's facebook he sees Dakota Mosley and Mike Dyer in Tennessee Orange...

I didn't even know Coach O had a Facebook until you posted this. He must be fairly new to it since he has just over 250 friends.
I compared Harrison Mosley's profile pic to Dakota Mosley's pics and they definitely look related.

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