listen guys, recruits have the right to get to take vists anywhere they wanna go and sign with anyone they wanna sign. its their choice. i'm a HUGE ut fan but theres no way i will ever sit here and bash an 18 year old kid for signing with someone other than ut. they have played their a** off in highschool to earn that right. anyone who has really played hard and dedicated their time to football know what i'm talkin about. you deserve that if u work that hard. i would love to see bray throwin touchdown passes to ambles, rodgers, meline, milton and hunter for the next 3 or 4 years but if ambles truly feels he can better himself by playin at UNC or USC or anywhere for that fact then he has earn that right to go there and not be bashed by ppl who have no idea what its like to dedicate their life to football. i love ut football more than anything, i was born at ut hospital and live 1 hour from ut to this very day and i will never stop bleeding orange but i have never and will never bash someone for liking another school more than ut, its their choice. the vol nation needs to show everyone why we are the best fans a kid could ever wanna play for by NEVER bashing our players, coaches or recruits. i listened to ppl bash crompton forever then when he finally got his head right and became a great qb EVERYONE supported him. instead of being fair weather fans we should support our players even when they are in a slump because that will bring them out of it faster. ambles will sign with whoever he feels best about, so lets just support him and show him what true fans are like (trust me they get on message boards and read what fans write). so to markeith ambles, i would love to see u in orange next season but i wish u the best of luck where ever u go. GO BIG ORANGE!!!! :salute: