Now that it's official, I along with many others here, would like to know the feelings of those of you who were such defenders of Ambles and his antics. A number of us tried to tell some here, that he was nothing more than a drama queen and was just screwing with UT fans, with his off the wall videos, posts and all the other crap he did. The guy is a talented FB player, no one would deny that fact, but come on guys. He is the definition of a punk if there ever was one. The way he conducted himself (or chose not to) along with the things he said, posted, etc, shows what a classless act he really is. Especially the issue with Heather. I'm glad she put him in his place, he needed to be humbled and was. I for one am glad he chose USC, he will be a great addition to the other classless jerks there.
We have definitely upgraded in regards to our staff and that will translate to the kids we recruit. It began with this class and will continue with future classes as well. When you recruit great athletes who are just as committed to the classroom, you have unselfish kids who desire to succeed and work together as one. Self indulged kids like Ambles do not fit that bill and I'm thrilled he won't be here to corrupt the good kids we do have !
Kudo's to the coaches who worked their butts off these past two weeks and welcome to all the new VOLS ! :rock: