Is Marve realistic or a dream in your opinion? :unsure:
Scroggins also is probably not going to end up coming here, IMO.
just watched the new film on from the Stanford Nike Camp. he threw it much harder than what I expected, there were a lot of dropped balls when he was going through the drills.
in a 2nd video, he said he was serious that it was a legit top-5 and that he wasn't naming schools just to name them. in the interview, he said mid-June is his current projection for an announcment.
Heaps might have also walked away with another new recognition - the nation's best quarterback.
"It wasn't in the game plan to throw, because I was taking a break after the state championship," Heaps said in reference to the Army Combine. "My competitive juices got flowing, and I got in there and started throwing. Unfortunately it was just one of those times I wasn't ready to perform. This time I really wanted to come back and really show what I was about."
I believe Marve goes to Purdue(or I hope) kid got beat out by Jacory Harris, lmao. We need Heaps or Scroggins. After one commits, Newton (silent) comes out and declares he is all VOL, a happy ending for all Vol fans.