'10 WA QB Jake Heaps

Texas' Claims to Fame:
1) the worst president since Herbert Hoover
2) Waco
3) a church where they were slaughtered by Mexicans
4) the place JFK was killed
5) wanted to secede from the US in 2009
Yes we were given to the government bc we were part of North Carolina and the federal government created us as a state. Big difference than having to have help to beat a few mexicans.
The best thing I heard put by a fan which was true was a Northern Illinois fan walking to Neyland last year saying that it felt like he was walking to a funeral.
UGA fans like to wear disco clothes, im tellin u. One dude had a red pant leg and a black one. They are soooo weird.
Well...FWIW this fits in perfectly that he will wait untill after class lets out to choose the out of state team (UT, maybe BYU) so he doesnt get harassed in school.

Yeah, those Washington State Cougar fans are going to be livid when he bolts for the Huskies.

Scroggin's is our guy.
I dont think marves decison would effect heaps decision. Heaps likes his chances to play at UT. He isnt garunteed a starting spot. He would have to earn it. Look at Matt Barkley at USC. He didnt win the spot, but he was given the chance and is now second string. This staff has proven that the best players will play regardless of age. Look no further than Montori Hughes.
Has anyone read the article about Heaps on Rivals yet? They are now claiming that he might be the nations top QB appearently...Can anyone give a brief synopsis of the article?:)

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