OK, listen up, guys. I have copies of the 113 page appeal brief, the 21 page first supplement to the appeal brief, and the 7 page second supplement to the appeal brief. This is a total scam by the NCAA with zero merit. This is historical. This is movie stuff. Every single charge they made against Coach T is proven to be totally false. Not only this, but they changed their own by-law to allow the testimony of Adam Howard, in the middle of the process when called out on it. This is going to federal court, 100%, and the NCAA is going to drag Tennessee right into the middle of it. I won't continue but I will give you a why. The NCAA gave Dave Hart false information on Thursday and he fired Donnie Tyndall on Friday. They say the cover up is worse than the crime. It is. Can you even begin to imagine what it would do to their reputation if that was true? It is true and they cannot control the attempt to obliterate Tyndall in federal court. If Dave Hart had not fired Tyndall and let the investigation play out, he would have been shown to be innocent of everything except coach control and received an 8 or 9 game suspension. Instead he got a 10 year show cause with a you can't coach for the first half of the season for any college that hires you, worse than the guy who asked his team to cover up a murder. I mean, folks. This is common sense. If you think he put a pit bull mentality into his basketball teams, the NCAA just got Coach Pitbull on it's butt.