10 year show cause/NCAA, Tyndall discussion (merged)

I think your 5:20 pm post in the football forum called Lipstick on a Pig when the Vols were losing on Saturday shows who needs to move on, Mr. Boo-er. I believe you said the new AD needs to clean house on the football coaching staff, right?

It's amazing that you think this is bad, yet you have no problem with Buzz wishing Pearl will kick Tennessee's butt for several years.
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Sept 25th was the season premiere of 60 Minutes -- did SD really think they would have a Tyndall piece on it ? Its not happening anytime soon
It's amazing that you think this is bad, yet you have no problem with Buzz wishing Pearl will kick Tennessee's butt for several years.

First off, I thought you said you were done here! Been taking lessons from Adam Howard, have you?

Saturday's comeback fb win over FL was as thrilling as bb comeback wins over Butler and Vanderbilt twice during the one season that we had a coach. That was a big reason why I felt Coach Donnie Tyndall knew what he was doing in his job. I don't see Barnes as having that ability because he needs mostly 4* and at least one 5* player just to compete for a postseason invitation. He could hope for enough Texas talent to matriculate to the Austin campus in order to give all of the Longhorn fans a false sense of his ability to do his job. However, he is now here at Tennessee and there is not enough of this type of talent to get the job done. He has not shown the denser fans that he lacks real coaching talent. But, give him a couple more seasons and maybe the slow learners will finally catch on.

It took 5 years for the fans here to realize that Wade Houston was an inept coach, but after his extremely talented son was no longer around one season, the fans finally got the message. The fans are soon to get the same message about Rick. Only thing is, Rick doesn't have to leave until after 2021. That is unless The University Athletic Dept. wants to cough up one million a year to get rid of him. This will expose Dave Hart's stupidity for making such a deal when he hired this fired loser!

On the other hand, why would you want a quality x's and o's man like Bruce Pearl to just throw games to make Barnes seem to have bb intelligence?

I don't care how good our facilities and fan base are here at UT, it takes finding a diamond in the rough in order to get the coach who can recruit marginal players and then be able to coach them up to a competitive level. Ray Mears, who came from Wittenberg College, Bruce Pearl who came from UW-Milwaukee, and Donnie Tyndall who came from S Miss, via Morehead ST, are all the types of diamonds that I speak of.

The NCAA made a mountain out of a mole hill to get rid of Pearl and it appears they are playing dirty tricks to do the same thing in Donnie's case. Why do they want to do this, you may ask; because they like to protect their sacred cows, such as Kentucky. They'll do it one way or another, even if that means granting immunity to a known liar if he will point an accusatory finger at the person who is gonna destroy their pet school's dominance in the SEC!

The NCAA definitely doesn't want to go through another "Ray Mears Era". In those days, they just had to keep their fingers crossed in hopes that UT would not succeed in getting the "ONLY" invitation to the NCAA tournament. They don't care about this day and time because they feel as though, even if we should ever make the tournament field with Rick Barnes, we'll end up like all the 15 seeds and falter long before the "Final Four". If a coach has the quality of coaching ability that CDT possesses, then they would have their pants/panties scared off should UT make the tournament field. They remember the Morehead upset of one of their other pets...Louisville!

The one time that Mears had a team make the NCAA's...there was a very questionable call at the end of the game which cost UT a win over Dayton on the winners home floor. Kind of reminds me of the questionable call which ended our run at the "Sweet Sixteen" level when Stokes, Maymon, McRae, and J. Rich were on the team. Wonder if the refs are not briefed by the NCAA as to their responsibility in a game of that magnitude? Just saying!

Finally, why is the NCAA so adamant about not wanting UT-Knoxville being in the "Final Four"? MONEY, which is what they are afraid of losing because many hero-worshippers only see certain schools bb teams being worthy of this destination. To the NCAA, a semifinal run would be bad but a championship game would be disastrous. Why? Because the NCAA thinks that tv ratings would suffer and turn out to be a financial flop!

The NCAA needs a KY-KANS, DUKE-MICH ST, VILLANOVA-NORTH CAROLINA type of matchup to get those high ratings. They don't want another UNLV final four type team. Look what they did to Jerry Tarkanian after he took the Rebels to the final game!
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First off, I thought you said you were done here! Been taking lessons from Adam Howard, have you?

Saturday's comeback fb win over FL was as thrilling as bb comeback wins over Butler and Vanderbilt twice during the one season that we had a coach. That was a big reason why I felt Coach Donnie Tyndall knew what he was doing in his job. I don't see Barnes as having that ability because he needs mostly 4* and at least one 5* player just to compete for a postseason invitation. He could hope for enough Texas talent to matriculate to the Austin campus in order to give all of the Longhorn fans a false sense of his ability to do his job. However, he is now here at Tennessee and there is not enough of this type of talent to get the job done. He has not shone the denser fans that he lacks real coaching talent. But, give him a couple more seasons and maybe the slow learners will finally catch on.

It took 5 years for the fans here to realize that Wade Houston was an inept coach, but after his extremely talented son was no longer around one season, the fans finally got the message. The fans are soon to get the same message about Rick. Only thing is, Rick doesn't have to leave until after 2021. That is unless The University athletic dept. wants to cough up one million a year to get rid of him. This will expose Dave Hart's stupidity for making such a deal when he hired this fired loser!

On the other hand, why would you want a quality x's and o's man like Bruce Pearl to just throw games to make Barnes seem to have bb intelligence?

I don't care how good our facilities and fan base are here at UT, it takes finding a diamond in the rough in order to get the coach who can recruit marginal players and then be able to coach them up to a competitive level. Ray Mears, who came from Wittenberg College, Bruce Pearl who came from UW-Milwaukee, and Donnie Tyndall who came from S Miss, via Morehead ST, are all the types of diamonds that I speak of.

The NCAA made a mountain out of a mole hill to get rid of Pearl and it appears they are playing dirty tricks to do the same thing in Donnie's case. Why do they want to do this, you may ask; because they like to protect their sacred cows, such as Kentucky. They'll do it one way or another, even if that means granting immunity to a known liar if he will point an accusatory finger at the person who is gonna destroy their pet school's dominance in the SEC!

The NCAA definitely doesn't want to go through another "Ray Mears Era". In those days, they just had to keep their fingers crossed in hopes that UT would not succeed in getting the "ONLY" invitation to the NCAA tournament. They don't care about this day and time because they feel as though, even if we should ever make the tournament field with Rick Barnes, we'll end up like all the 15 seeds and falter long before the "Final Four". If a coach has the quality of coaching that CDT possesses, then they would have their pants/panties scared off should UT make the tournament field. They remember the Morehead upset of one of their other pets...Louisville!

The one time that Mears had a team make the NCAA's...there was a very questionable call at the end of the game which cost UT a win over Dayton on the winners home floor. Kind of reminds me of the questionable call which ended our run at the "Sweet Sixteen" level when Stokes, Maymon, McRae, and J. Rich were on the team. Wonder if the refs are not briefed by the NCAA as to their responsibility in a game of that magnitude? Just saying!

Finally, why is the NCAA so adamant about not wanting UT-Knoxville being in the "Final Four"? MONEY, which is what they are afraid of losing because many hero-worshippers only see certain schools bb teams being worthy of this destination. To the NCAA, a semifinal run would be bad but a championship game would be disastrous. Why? Because the NCAA thinks that tv ratings would suffer and turn out to be a financial flop!

The NCAA needs a KY-KANS, DUKE-MICH ST, VILLANOVA-NORTH CAROLINA type of matchup to get those high ratings. They don't want another UNLV final four type team. Look what they did to Jerry Tarkanian after he took the Rebels to the final game!

TL/DR. But I could feel the hot air through my phone.

I just said I was done with that part of the conversation.
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TL/DR. But I could feel the hot air through my phone.

I just said I was done with that part of the conversation.

Good decision. He said that Ray Mears went to the NCAAs one time (actually 6x, 3x NCAA Div II and 3x the big one at TN). He also thinks that TN fans didn't realize Wade Houston was a bad coach until his 5th season. I guess the fans failed to notice the 101-40 loss to KY in the SECT at the end of the 4th year and zero NCAAT appearances. BuzzDrill doesn't understand that it was PC to give Wade a year without his son... wouldn't have been kosher to fire the man immediately upon Allan's departure. A less than 5-year tenure was very rare in the 20th century unless a coach committed a major crime or quit. There was no social media in 1993... fan opinion had little influence on the hiring and firing of coaches.
First off, I thought you said you were done here! Been taking lessons from Adam Howard, have you?

Saturday's comeback fb win over FL was as thrilling as bb comeback wins over Butler and Vanderbilt twice during the one season that we had a coach. That was a big reason why I felt Coach Donnie Tyndall knew what he was doing in his job. I don't see Barnes as having that ability because he needs mostly 4* and at least one 5* player just to compete for a postseason invitation. He could hope for enough Texas talent to matriculate to the Austin campus in order to give all of the Longhorn fans a false sense of his ability to do his job. However, he is now here at Tennessee and there is not enough of this type of talent to get the job done. He has not shone the denser fans that he lacks real coaching talent. But, give him a couple more seasons and maybe the slow learners will finally catch on.

It took 5 years for the fans here to realize that Wade Houston was an inept coach, but after his extremely talented son was no longer around one season, the fans finally got the message. The fans are soon to get the same message about Rick. Only thing is, Rick doesn't have to leave until after 2021. That is unless The University athletic dept. wants to cough up one million a year to get rid of him. This will expose Dave Hart's stupidity for making such a deal when he hired this fired loser!

On the other hand, why would you want a quality x's and o's man like Bruce Pearl to just throw games to make Barnes seem to have bb intelligence?

I don't care how good our facilities and fan base are here at UT, it takes finding a diamond in the rough in order to get the coach who can recruit marginal players and then be able to coach them up to a competitive level. Ray Mears, who came from Wittenberg College, Bruce Pearl who came from UW-Milwaukee, and Donnie Tyndall who came from S Miss, via Morehead ST, are all the types of diamonds that I speak of.

The NCAA made a mountain out of a mole hill to get rid of Pearl and it appears they are playing dirty tricks to do the same thing in Donnie's case. Why do they want to do this, you may ask; because they like to protect their sacred cows, such as Kentucky. They'll do it one way or another, even if that means granting immunity to a known liar if he will point an accusatory finger at the person who is gonna destroy their pet school's dominance in the SEC!

The NCAA definitely doesn't want to go through another "Ray Mears Era". In those days, they just had to keep their fingers crossed in hopes that UT would not succeed in getting the "ONLY" invitation to the NCAA tournament. They don't care about this day and time because they feel as though, even if we should ever make the tournament field with Rick Barnes, we'll end up like all the 15 seeds and falter long before the "Final Four". If a coach has the quality of coaching that CDT possesses, then they would have their pants/panties scared off should UT make the tournament field. They remember the Morehead upset of one of their other pets...Louisville!

The one time that Mears had a team make the NCAA's...there was a very questionable call at the end of the game which cost UT a win over Dayton on the winners home floor. Kind of reminds me of the questionable call which ended our run at the "Sweet Sixteen" level when Stokes, Maymon, McRae, and J. Rich were on the team. Wonder if the refs are not briefed by the NCAA as to their responsibility in a game of that magnitude? Just saying!

Finally, why is the NCAA so adamant about not wanting UT-Knoxville being in the "Final Four"? MONEY, which is what they are afraid of losing because many hero-worshippers only see certain schools bb teams being worthy of this destination. To the NCAA, a semifinal run would be bad but a championship game would be disastrous. Why? Because the NCAA thinks that tv ratings would suffer and turn out to be a financial flop!

The NCAA needs a KY-KANS, DUKE-MICH ST, VILLANOVA-NORTH CAROLINA type of matchup to get those high ratings. They don't want another UNLV final four type team. Look what they did to Jerry Tarkanian after he took the Rebels to the final game!

So much stupid posted here. The obsession with CDT and NCAA conspiracy theories is actually kind of disturbing.
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Actually you initially told us sometime in September, if the NCAA was waiting for basketball season why'd you say September?

September, October, or November! Who cares? You just like to trivialize details similar to others who are NCAA and Dave Hart kisser uppers!

Question is: will you be watching or will you bury your head in the sand...like many others who can't see past the end of their proverbial prejudicial noses?
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September, October, or November! Who cares? You just like to trivialize details similar to others who are NCAA and Dave Hart kisser uppers!

Question is: will you be watching or will you bury your head in the sand...like many others who can't see past the end of their proverbial prejudicial noses?

No, I just like to point out everytime SD is wrong, although it's starting to get tiresome.
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Actually you initially told us sometime in September, if the NCAA was waiting for basketball season why'd you say September?
It is a moving target due to CBS. I first told you it would happen and you get updates as I get them. I assure you the segment is being produced. Second interview was September 13 after appeal hearing on 8th. You can also bet the NCAA is sweating bullets over this national exposure.
It is a moving target due to CBS. I first told you it would happen and you get updates as I get them. I assure you the segment is being produced. Second interview was September 13 after appeal hearing on 8th. You can also bet the NCAA is sweating bullets over this national exposure.

60 minutes is gonna back the NCAA down just like Hart did huh?
**opens thread**

Me: "Oh 27 new pages to scroll through"
*sees SeniorDrill/Buzz still posting*
*clicks last page*

Can't believe you guys even talk with that knucklehead, let alone carry it as far as it's gone.
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CBS is in the middle of a long term NCAAT broadcast rights agreement with the NCAA. They aren't going to put hundreds of millions of dollars in ad revenues at risk by backing a liar and convicted cheater.
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So much stupid posted here. The obsession with CDT and NCAA conspiracy theories is actually kind of disturbing.
Let me tell you what is stupid. Buzz and I both know that we could be watching the "Butch Jones of Tennessee basketball" working the same magic with our basketball team. Instead we are watching losing seasons which even BTO no longer champions like he did in the beginning and he has the nerve to talk about me being wrong.
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Let me tell you what is stupid. Buzz and I both know that we could be watching the "Butch Jones of Tennessee basketball" working the same magic with our basketball team. Instead we are watching losing seasons which even BTO no longer champions like he did in the beginning and he has the nerve to talk about me being wrong.

You have been. Thus far, you've been wrong on everything: Tyndall being kept, not having a punishment, 60 Minutes in September (which you now back track to try to show that you weren't wrong).
Let me tell you what is stupid. Buzz and I both know that we could be watching the "Butch Jones of Tennessee basketball" working the same magic with our basketball team. Instead we are watching losing seasons which even BTO no longer champions like he did in the beginning and he has the nerve to talk about me being wrong.

Losing seasons? I don't know what you are watching because Barnes has only coached one season so far.
Let me tell you what is stupid. Buzz and I both know that we could be watching the "Butch Jones of Tennessee basketball" working the same magic with our basketball team. Instead we are watching losing seasons which even BTO no longer champions like he did in the beginning and he has the nerve to talk about me being wrong.

Where, the YMCA?
157 pages of an epic troll job. [golf clap]

If it were just the people who believe that Tyndall has yet to be given a FAIR HEARING who are posting here then this thread would only be about 15 pages long. However, all of the moaners and groaners who like to dish dirt just keep extending it, infinitum.

Let's shorten the thread by having all of the trolls go to the "hip-hop" discussion area! :good!:
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If it were just the people who believe that Tyndall has yet to be given a FAIR HEARING who are posting here then this thread would only be about 15 pages long. However, all of the moaners and groaners who like to dish dirt just keep extending it, infinitum.

Let's shorten the thread by having all of the trolls go to the "hip-hop" discussion area! :good!:

BuzzDrill made 28 of the last 97 posts.
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**opens thread**

Me: "Oh 27 new pages to scroll through"
*sees SeniorDrill/Buzz still posting*
*clicks last page*

Can't believe you guys even talk with that knucklehead, let alone carry it as far as it's gone.

So, is this forum only for Donnie Tyndall haters, like yourself? Does no one else have freedom of speech, similar to the tyranny exhibited in Nazi Germany prior to and including World War II?

If not, then anyone who does not like this thread needs to stay the h*** out instead of complaining about those who do visit here! They can go whine somewhere else!

BTW, I recall that you predicted the win at LSU when Donnie coached the Vols. For that, many in this forum heaped praise on you for your intuitive prowess. Seems like you would be happy that he was our coach. Maybe you have some verifiable proof that Donnie did something to bring shame on UT. if so, then please share that proof or stfu!
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So, is this forum only for Donnie Tyndall haters, like yourself? Does no one else have freedom of speech, similar to the tyranny exhibited in Nazi Germany prior to and including World War II?

If not, then anyone who does not like this thread needs to stay the h*** out instead of complaining about those who do visit here! They can go whine somewhere else!

BTW, I recall that you predicted the win at LSU when Donnie coached the Vols. For that, many in this forum heaped praise on you for your intuitive prowess. Seems like you would be happy that he was our coach. Maybe you have some verifiable proof that Donnie did something to bring shame on UT. if so, then please share that proof or stfu!

The NCAA document came out after that win, so I fail to see your point. And that's all the proof needed, because that's all there is. You, nor SD, has provided the appeal or anything that even remotely resembles proof. The sooner you get that the governing body went through an extensive investigation and found him guilty, the better off you'll be in the real world.

And don't give me the stupid "the NCAA wanted UT fire Tyndall" or "Barnes manipulated Hart to get hired" crap because you have absolutely nothing to prove that. You demand proof, yet can't provide anything. We've provided you the NCAA findings the even you claim you've not read in its entirety. Do that and maybe you'll learn something. Until then, you stfu!

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