10 year show cause/NCAA, Tyndall discussion (merged)

Hearing on good authority the NCAA has gotten new information and hard evidence from witnesses previously not willing to cooperate. Tyndall's show cause is likely to be upheld or at the very least reduced to a minimum of 5 years, and if that happens it will come with additional penalties not yet implicated. This is why you see Tyndall starting this new prep program, he knows he is unlikely to ever see a college sideline again unless he becomes a cheer coach, which would obviously require him getting into better shape.

Not heard much from you lately after the undying adulation of RB. Scared to brag about the results of the upcoming season and wishing secretly that "Butch" Tyndall was still our coach?
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You know I always see this thread on the new posts page and I said I'm going to see what's up over there ..ok I got nothing to add so I'm headed back.
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Hearing on good authority the NCAA has gotten new information and hard evidence from witnesses previously not willing to cooperate. Tyndall's show cause is likely to be upheld or at the very least reduced to a minimum of 5 years, and if that happens it will come with additional penalties not yet implicated. This is why you see Tyndall starting this new prep program, he knows he is unlikely to ever see a college sideline again unless he becomes a cheer coach, which would obviously require him getting into better shape.


Tis what happens...usually.
Only ******* put people on ignore, right?

Must say that your avatar comes from one of my favorite movies of all time. I recommend it to anyone who has yet to see it. The more you watch it the funnier it gets and the late Peter Sellers put forth some of the best acting ever on the silver screen, especially when he plays the part that you have pictured here. One may need a knowledge of the cold war in order to fully appreciate the movie.

Still watch it on occasion.
I'm surprised he's not put me on there.

I did once when you were using foul language, however, I relented and started reading your opinion. Since, we have gone back and forth on many occasions. You have a right to your opinion, but I have the right to my opinion as well. I accept that from anyone.

At least I don't find you to be an immature name caller. I won't deal with childish brats.

And you stopped cursing. I don't care if someone calls me out and then tells me to stfu. If I have a comeback, then I will continue to post.

Your main contention is that CDT is a cheater and a liar and I don't see the proof that confirms this. I also don't have any respect for the future of UT bb under the direction of CRB.
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Not heard much from you lately after the undying adulation of RB. Scared to brag about the results of the upcoming season and wishing secretly that "Butch" Tyndall was still our coach?

Not at all, that d-bag got exactly what he deserved. Heard that hottie of his is also getting ready to file for divorce, guess she's not a chubby chaser when they're poor.
1. Cause he is one.
2. I can't disclose that, but I'm hearing 20/20 will be having a piece about his infidelities pretty soon.

Your response falls flat. Sounds more like you are prejudice and are making fun about SD's claim about a 60 Minutes show to be airing later in the Fall.

Gossiping is seriously immature and not being able to give an example which is true about the name you called Tyndall shows true silliness.
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I did once when you were using foul language, however, I relented and started reading your opinion. Since, we have gone back and forth on many occasions. You have a right to your opinion, but I have the right to my opinion as well. I accept that from anyone.

At least I don't find you to be an immature name caller. I won't deal with childish brats.

And you stopped cursing. I don't care if someone calls me out and then tells me to stfu. If I have a comeback, then I will continue to post.

Your main contention is that CDT is a cheater and a liar and I don't see the proof that confirms this. I also don't have any respect for the future of UT bb under the direction of CRB.

The point of my use of "stfu"

Your head.

And it's amazing that you ignored me for foul language and "immature name caller" when your immediate response to me before was to call me a smartass. There's some real irony for ya SeniorBuzz.
Not at all, that d-bag got exactly what he deserved. Heard that hottie of his is also getting ready to file for divorce, guess she's not a chubby chaser when they're poor.
Well, ole buddy, gonna prove you are making this junk up. Donnie just said this week in his latest interview which I know none of you listened to that he and Nikki are doing fine. The man is a basketball genius and appears on these sports talk shows analyzing the NBA and it's players the way Nate Silver analyzes politics and sports teams. He can also do the same in college basketball. The man would have competed with Kentucky for an SEC title in a couple of years. Probably will end up elsewhere in the SEC just like Bruce.
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The point of my use of "stfu"

Your head.

And it's amazing that you ignored me for foul language and "immature name caller" when your immediate response to me before was to call me a smartass. There's some real irony for ya SeniorBuzz.

I always refer to you as wbt which happens to be how you identify yourself and I said that you ARE NOT an immature name caller, so learn how to read. When I referred to you as a smartass it was because you had made a derogatory statement toward my reasoning, but I said smart-a.

Now you refer to me as SeniorBuzz which is not the way I identify myself. This IS very immature on your part. I sometimes get the feeling that I am trying to communicate with those who have not progressed past the 8th grade. First, BTO makes silly statements, and now you.

You don't like me for the fact that I do not declare someone guilty that, for some unclear reason, you think is guilty of an unproven offense and then you don't care for my disgust with the hiring of a man who has never had an excellent performance in his career, and never will.

Barnes has had the head job as bb coach for 17 yrs. at the flagship university in the largest state of the contiguous 48 and the best he can show for it is one final four and two more elite eight finishes. This with all of the NBA type talent to come his way. That partly can be attributed to the location of UTA. Also, he has never won his conference tournament at Texas. Where do you see the excellence of his coaching?

And if you fail to address me by my user name ever again, then I will ignore you FOREVER because anyone who shows disrespect for others does not deserve to be respected themselves. I will consider you to be the immature brat that you thought I was referring to you as, which I wasn't.
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Well, ole buddy, gonna prove you are making this junk up. Donnie just said this week in his latest interview which I know none of you listened to that he and Nikki are doing fine. The man is a basketball genius and appears on these sports talk shows analyzing the NBA and it's players the way Nate Silver analyzes politics and sports teams. He can also do the same in college basketball. The man would have competed with Kentucky for an SEC title in a couple of years. Probably will end up elsewhere in the SEC just like Bruce.

Keep up the brave fight, my friend. It takes a person who believes in standing up for what they know is right, to prove who has the true argument. These babies who keep arguing with you and me have a psychological need to feel that they are a part of a crowd of like thinkers. But the truth is they have a low self esteem. Their problem is that they cannot put up an argument that is provable and down deep they know it.

Psychologists would refer to this group as being a part of a pack mentality. A mob, if you will. Anyone who does not agree with them makes them want to throw a temper tantrum. They cannot disprove what is being said so they attack like a pack of wild animals. Name calling is their most effective tool and it is very frustrating when that tactic does not work.
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Keep up the brave fight, my friend. It takes a person who believes in standing up for what they know is right, to prove who has the true argument. These babies who keep arguing with you and me have a psychological need to feel that they are a part of a crowd of like thinkers. But the truth is they have a low self esteem. Their problem is that they cannot put up an argument that is provable and down deep they know it.

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Keep up the brave fight, my friend. It takes a person who believes in standing up for what they know is right, to prove who has the true argument. These babies who keep arguing with you and me have a psychological need to feel that they are a part of a crowd of like thinkers. But the truth is they have a low self esteem. Their problem is that they cannot put up an argument that is provable and down deep they know it.

Psychologists would refer to this group as being a part of a pack mentality. A mob, if you will. Anyone who does not agree with them makes them want to throw a temper tantrum. They cannot disprove what is being said so they attack like a pack of wild animals. Name calling is their most effective tool and it is very frustrating when that tactic does not work.

Repeated for "little mikey's" benefit. Note the edit mikey.
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Keep up the brave fight, my friend. It takes a person who believes in standing up for what they know is right, to prove who has the true argument. These babies who keep arguing with you and me have a psychological need to feel that they are a part of a crowd of like thinkers. But the truth is they have a low self esteem. Their problem is that they cannot put up an argument that is provable and down deep they know it.

Psychologists would refer to this group as being a part of a pack mentality. A mob, if you will. Anyone who does not agree with them makes them want to throw a temper tantrum. They cannot disprove what is being said so they attack like a pack of wild animals. Name calling is their most effective tool and it is very frustrating when that tactic does not work.

Pay attention boys, this is how you troll. Well done, BuzzDrill. :good!:
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Your response falls flat. Sounds more like you are prejudice and are making fun about SD's claim about a 60 Minutes show to be airing later in the Fall.

Gossiping is seriously immature and not being able to give an example which is true about the name you called Tyndall shows true silliness.

You and your alter ego have done BUT post speculation and rumor, so get bent.
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Well, ole buddy, gonna prove you are making this junk up. Donnie just said this week in his latest interview which I know none of you listened to that he and Nikki are doing fine. The man is a basketball genius and appears on these sports talk shows analyzing the NBA and it's players the way Nate Silver analyzes politics and sports teams. He can also do the same in college basketball. The man would have competed with Kentucky for an SEC title in a couple of years. Probably will end up elsewhere in the SEC just like Bruce.

If Tyndall told you the world was flat, you'd proclaim it as true.
Keep up the brave fight, my friend. It takes a person who believes in standing up for what they know is right, to prove who has the true argument. These babies who keep arguing with you and me have a psychological need to feel that they are a part of a crowd of like thinkers. But the truth is they have a low self esteem. Their problem is that they cannot put up an argument that is provable and down deep they know it.

Psychologists would refer to this group as being a part of a pack mentality. A mob, if you will. Anyone who does not agree with them makes them want to throw a temper tantrum. They cannot disprove what is being said so they attack like a pack of wild animals. Name calling is their most effective tool and it is very frustrating when that tactic does not work.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt buddy.
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You and your alter ego have done BUT post speculation and rumor, so get bent.
Actually posting from legal documentation. You and the general public will be astounded when the rubber hits the road. I use actual data instead of pure speculation and the fairy tale put out by the NCAA to save their butt. "Speculation and rumor" is the name of your game and you just posted an insult in case you don't know it.
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Actually posting from legal documentation. You and the general public will be astounded when the rubber hits the road. I use actual data instead of pure speculation and the fairy tale put out by the NCAA to save their butt. "Speculation and rumor" is the name of your game and you just posted an insult in case you don't know it.

And what makes you worthy to see said legal documentation? Hmm? Why don't you actually post it?
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Actually posting from legal documentation. You and the general public will be astounded when the rubber hits the road. I use actual data instead of pure speculation and the fairy tale put out by the NCAA to save their butt. "Speculation and rumor" is the name of your game and you just posted an insult in case you don't know it.

Put or shut up fraud.
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