After watching more flim on this guy, I want him badly. He is so skilled and athletic, it would help our team enormously.
Why would CCM have offered then?
I think CCM sees him as that elite Chris jones type that immediately makes us better.
So if Fabyon signs here you still see golden playing 30 minutes at PG?
I would take Fab over Nolan. Its all about the needs right now.
It's hard.
Our post could be very empty after next year. Hall, maymon and stokes could all leave, just leaving yemi in the post.
I think it's a good idea to bring in a post guy.
At the same time hard to pass on someone of fabyons talent level.
It's the after 2012 post that scares me...
Who will you have at the 4/5....yemi that's it most likely.
Yes. I want a big man with potential that can fill right in as a sophomore.
We are going to lose Jeronne, Kenny, and Dwight. Most likely Jarnell goes pro. You lose your top three posts.
So, you now have to get three posts MINIMUM for 2013-2014.
It's why I wanted Mitchell so much. But we can really use Nolan.
I think regardless we need a post this class.
You can't end 2012 with ONE post player.
That means you have to sign atleast 2 pot guys and hope that they can come in and contribute.
That's a big risk.
I think well have 2 scholarships available in addition this year. Fab and Nolan would be perfect.
However if you take one, I'd take Nolan. We need some future depth in the post. Then again if stokes stays for '13 problem solved.
I guess I just don't know why Stokes would stay another year. Unless he just LOVES UT or college in general. This could happen, but those dollar signs really speak volumes. There aren't a ton of Peyton Manning's out there anymore who want to turn down the pros and play in college. I know these are football references, and thus not completely applicable, but I think Eric Berry is a good example. He was all Vol, but the chance for a big draft payout is a whole lot to turn down.
Why did Terrence jones return to uk, or sullinger and Barnes to their schools?
It does happen.
Not saying I think it will, but there's always that chance.
It's a valid point. Sometimes we all get surprised, but I still assert that it's pretty rare these days.
Edit: He does seem to love UT though, and that's an inspiring and hopeful plus in our favor.
As I said I don't think he does stay that was my whole original point.
We need a post in this signing class.
This is a nice development. I wonder if Kansas really offered him? I wouldn't think they would go the JUCO route for PG, or any player for that matter. No clue what's going to happen here, but thanks for the new info.