13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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I've never once trolled of another teams forums..I don't get why you don't stay on your own site. Guess you got a lot of time on your hands.. Now I haven't seen you post a bunch of negative stuff so I'm not bashing to much, I just don't get it why fans do it..

He's a closet Vols fan when we start winning he will change his user name to Volwarrior.
Apparently Eddie Jackson is higher on UA's list than Bell.

Jackson is higher (supposedly) because we need true CB's more than Safety.

But how do you not take Jackson and Bell if you can? I wont be shocked at all if Bell stays loyal to UT but I am not sure I buy that we are backing off... hate to lose Bell if it happens
I think it's interesting. I really respect Andrew and believe he knows what he's talking about. I wonder if that means Alabama feels good about Eddie Jackson and that's the last DB they will take. I wouldn't count OSU out yet though, as they've been in this one for a good while. It's something we'll be watching and we continue to hope to speak to Vonn in the next couple of days.

- PFort
I find this to be utterly unbelievable but at the same time I really hope he ends up here with a bit "I wanna kick the ish out of Saban" chip on his shoulder.

I just can't see Bama, after all the time and $ they've put into recruiting him, not taking him if that's where he wants to go.
I'm afraid his coach is gonna push him towards Alabama. Hope we get him tho.

Really? What makes you think this? Just saying that's kinda mind blowing for me. Coach M is a stand up man,who has been through a lot medically and fought through it. He's honest and not looking for a spot light or gain from the young men he prepairs for life.
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I find this to be utterly unbelievable but at the same time I really hope he ends up here with a bit "I wanna kick the ish out of Saban" chip on his shoulder.

I just can't see Bama, after all the time and $ they've put into recruiting him, not taking him if that's where he wants to go.

I do not either but recruiting is a funny business.
Not saying this happened, but if I was Saban I would have never wanted him taking this UT visit and would have strongly considered telling him last week to commit on his visit snd shut things down or lose his spot. I feel like we weren't the only ones thinking that if he made it to this visit he would be a vol.
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UA has been and still is expecting a committment from Jackson this week. Bone jumped on the Bell not a take after AI reported it last week. AI believes that that UA wants Conner more and it looks like UA may get Conner and Jackson. They went on to suggest that the staff with recent possible developments of Conner and his interest in UA may have slowed played Bell which could have worked in UT's favor.

Again is always late to the party with his info. I see Conner ending up at Ole Miss. Jackson should end up at UA. Bell we will see. In the end UA may miss on all. And to add Bone also said that OSU is still in it now with UA out.
my bama friend says he is a silent commit to bama and that they are going to close strong on signing day that it might shocked all of ncaa, thinks they may end up with the best class they have ever signed points wise.

he like to run his mouth but most of the time he ends up being right when it comes to recruiting, he has inside sources so he says.

i think he can not stand it that we are hearing that bama is not taking him, because they have higher kids on there list, lol.

i will laugh my but off and rub it in his face if we sign bell signing day and bama does not finish as strong as he thinks

he thinks they have the number spot wrapped up, with 2 five stars silent commits if not three,lol

hope he has to eat crow especially about bell
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