I want to make something perfectly clear. I do not condone ever, under any circumstances, striking a woman. I have a daughter at UT now and if I had an idea that she had been hit by a guy I would bring all kinds of hell down on him. My point has always been that no individual on this site knows truly what happened. Everyone is going off Internet rumor and trying to read into his guilt based on how Butch suspended him. The only official story from the media is a police report that is soley one sided and never has a statement from Paulk.
We also have two rumors that have been presented here, one says he was beating the crap out of her and a couple of teammates had to pull him off her. The other states she was flailing at him and he inadvertently hit her while trying to defend himself.
So you can believe either story or you can let the people that have a 100 times more information than we have make the decision.